Mercury Squares Neptune:

Mercury Squares Neptune:


On Thursday December 19th at 11:20 P.M. EST this confusing and misdirecting transit can cause all sorts of problems. It’s vital that you stay focused and aware of your surroundings, and that you take a moment to examine what is being said or presented to you, and that you are clear in your communications. Any reason for a misunderstanding will be amplified today. This is a square that can be quite mischievous and misleading. Donald Trump has this aspect in his natal chart, and no matter what you may feel about him or his policies, he has a serious problem with the truth. But this square can also be a very spiritual time when we are forced to rely more on our intuition than our intellect. While that may be difficult for some, if you can let go of your preconceived notions and allow your spirit guide to speak to you, you may be able to circumvent mental blocks that have been restrictive and preventing you from moving ahead. Extra caution is most definitely demanded when traveling, so double check your plans, make sure you get to the airport or train station with enough time for any errors, or if you’re driving be certain that the car is in good shape, has enough fuel, and that your GPS is working properly.