Jupiter Trines Uranus:

Jupiter Trines Uranus:


On Sunday December 15th at 2:00 P.M. EST this very important trine will complete. This has been applying for several weeks and its purpose is to open our consciousness and allow new thoughts and ideas to come to light. Because this is a single pass and does not complete again for many years, we need to take advantage of this energy and open the shades to allow as much light in as possible. This is considered a very “lucky” aspect if it hits your chart just so. While I can’t promise that you will win megamillions, have your song recorded and become a hit, or get that special job you’ve been hoping for, it will give you a positive outlook and that may be all you really needed to move your life forward. This might help the shopping season and give a boost to retailers, even as Jupiter enters restrictive Capricorn, which is a financially conservative aspect. But this trine has much more to do with our perception and awareness than with how much crap we buy. This is a chance for a deeper understanding of the world’s situation and a chance to learn something new and important. It will certainly affect the impeachment inquiries and, while I don’t think they are going to change too many people’s minds, there may be some light shining in the shadows and corners that will illuminate the undercurrent and give us all a small peak into what is actually happening in our government, and in the world at large. In your personal life this is a great chance to see things from a new perspective and to understand what others are going through. Uranus wants enlightenment, and Jupiter rules education. These two issues are not always compatible, as I’m sure you have realized. But there times when knowledge can lead to a greater truth. This is one.