This month’s lunar peak occurs on Thursday December 12th at 12:12 A.M. EST at 19 degrees Gemini 52 minutes. This should be a few days of high energy and activity. This can be a very pleasant lunar aspect, though it does come with a word of advice. Gemini is a very sociable and outgoing sign. When the Full Moon falls here it is usually a time for interaction and for catching up on thing. Because it always comes in December, it can stimulate that holiday spirit and should be a time when we reach out to those we may have lost contact with. Take a few moments to look over your friend’s list and see if there aren’t a few who deserve a weekend phone call. You may be surprised at how much your memories can stir you emotionally. And a half hour with an old friend or lover can bring you back to earlier times when the world was simpler, or at least seems that way in hindsight. Share you love, your dreams and your challenges and you will be a bigger person for it.


Use caution, especially when traveling. All Full Moons deserve respect, particularly in the area that the sign rules where the lunar peak occurs. In this case it’s travel and communication. Some extra care is recommended. We may see some serious problems in these areas. It may be a result of weather that makes travel extremely difficult. We often have big snow storms on this Full Moon, and with the weather patterns being so disruptive and changeable now it would be wise to keep an eye on the predictions when making your travel plans. And keep an eye on your tongue. While I do think this is a good time to communicate you must use some caution. It’s easy to get into an argument or for misunderstandings. Temper can flair on Full Moons, and it would be a shame to get into a hassle, especially around the holidays when emotions are heightened anyway.


On the world stage this may be a week when some important news is revealed that may redirect our society in ways we could not have foreseen. The impeachment hearings are building to a peak, and so are the emotional reactions most of us are having to them. Just keep your eyes and ears open and try not to have preconceived notions about what should or shouldn’t be. Seek the truth and don’t go into a dark place out of fear or resentment. Gemini and its opposite, Sagittarius always prefer to be in the light and to see what is there, no matter where it leads us.


The energy will be high for a few days, as I said, and social activities will be lively and entertaining. Gemini can be one of the most charming of signs and if you can connect to its power you will feel light-hearted and freer. Go shopping, trim the tree, have drinks with friends, or volunteer to help those in need. You will be glad you did.