The Sun Squares Neptune:

The Sun Squares Neptune:


On Sunday December 8th at 4:01 A.M. EST this confusing and low energy aspect will complete. The conflict here is between what we assume is “reality” and what is actually being projected. Neptune can be very spiritual and compassionate. At its best it has the capacity to open our chakras and let in the essence of our higher being. It rules music and all fine art, movies, medicine and healing in general. But it also rules drugs (legal or illegal), illusion and dishonesty. Those with a heavily aspected Neptune in their natal chart, especially in conflict to a personal planet need to learn the difference between the truth and the projection of a false front. They can have difficulty distinguishing between the two and often must go through challenges to teach them how to confront that question. Those who have a developed soul will eventually reach that goal. Those that aren’t so evolved will tend to remain at the bottom of the pond. Donald Trump has Neptune in close square to his Mercury. This afflicts his ability to differentiate between truth and fiction, and creates a fog around his messaging. Giving in to the confusion and using it to create a cloud of doubt and deception was a choice he made many years ago and he has not varied from that throughout his life. And like I said, a developed soul can make an affliction to Neptune a very spiritual and therapeutic aspect. Many healers have Neptune in conflict with a personal planet and they work through it by helping others. Remember, the chart offers us a choice, and the path we choose will decide how the aspects will be implemented.


This transiting square will test us all and bring up issues of trustworthiness and integrity. Confusion may abound, and you need to clarify things before acting on them. We will feel this a day or two before it completes. As I said this is a low energy transit and many people may feel a bit under the weather, especially if this hits personal points in your chart. It’s very possible that it may manifest as a minor illness, such as a cold or flu, so take extra care. But if you can open your heart and allow the healing properties to exert their influence you may surpass this and reach a level of understanding and compassion that transcends the material plane. This is often a very bad aspect for financial matters for just that reason. The markets are impersonal and without a human spirit to work through the fog. And with Venus, ruler of money, about to conjunct Saturn, the planet of restriction on Wednesday let’s see how the markets fare this coming week. I expect a downturn.