Jupiter in Capricorn Part 2:

Jupiter in Capricorn Part 2:

So Jupiter has been in this Saturn ruled sign for 2 days and the DOW has dropped almost 500 points already. As I said a few days ago, this is a very bearish transit. It will not be a sudden and total crash, but a wearing down of the support over the coming months. But that is only a small part of the equation. We are in the midst of the worst manipulation in modern history, and it’s being perpetrated by our president with nothing more than a cell phone and a Twitter account. “There is no deal with China.” Short the market. “There is going to be a deal with China”. Buy the market. Do you not think that his friends have a head’s up a day or two in advance?Why did it take so long for anyone to notice this game? It’s been obvious to me since the first months of this administration. And it’s going on in plain sight, as all of his indiscretions and distractions do. Hang on to your hats and be prepared for a roller coaster ride of historic proportions. As the Great Capricorn Alignment continues with Jupiter and Venus joining in, followed in a few weeks by the Sun, Mercury and Mars, we are heading into the abyss and the bottom will be a long way down. This will be an era that will be written about for many years to come. Assuming we can still afford paper. I do not enjoy giving this news, nor am I hoping for a recession (or worse), despite what some may think. But it’s my job as an astrologer to point out the patterns that I have seen in the markets and the stars throughout history, and to report them to my readers. You must decide what course of action to follow. Take care and be prepared. This is a time to protect your resources, not to be greedy or arrogant. My blessings on you all for a soft landing. Mitch.