Newsletter: December 2019

Newsletter: December 2019

ISSUE # 245

December 2019

Following my talks in New York, Boston, Connecticut, Philadelphia, Upstate NY, etc., I’m taking a break from my lecture tour until after the New Year. I haven’t been available much for sessions the past few months, so to thank my loyal readers I will be having a holiday sale. If you book a session between now and January 1st the price will be $200 for a 90 minute reading.

Astrology readings also make excellent holiday gifts. You can take advantage of the price reduction to give a gift session to anyone. Just book the reading and make payment during the next month and I will send you a gift certificate announcing your generous gift. They make good stocking stuffers!

 If you are interested please contact me at and let me know that you have seen this offer. 

Wishing you all Happy Holidays, peace and prosperity.



Happy Thanksgiving to you all. And a glorious Hanukah, Kwanza, and Christmas. No matter what you celebrate may it be joyful and loving. This is a month when the holidays kick in and we all wish for a fulfilling moment when the world’s problems take a backseat and we can share in the joy of giving and receiving the love that binds us more deeply than any political or material venture.

My recent lectures focused on the financial markets and where I believe we are heading. This isn’t news to those who follow my work, but I believe we are heading into a period where we will either see a slow deterioration of the markets, or what they call a “melt-up” when the stocks run screaming up to a ridiculous new high and then completely collapse. This has happened throughout history, all the way back to the 17th century. If you’re interested in the work, some is available on my website, but I will be posting a newer and more complete version soon. I’m just reviewing the recordings from my lectures and once they are ready I will make it available at

Perhaps the biggest astrological event we are seeing this month is Jupiter entering Capricorn. This is a powerful time that occurs once every 12 years. It puts Jupiter’s natural inclination to expand beyond all boundaries in conflict with Capricorn’s desire for a restrictive and controlled approach. This will have several effects, and we will begin to see the results very soon. I wouldn’t be shocked by a surprisingly soft Christmas shopping season, but even if there are big numbers, once the New Year begins we will see more and more problems in the world of credit as defaults and debt crunch become more commonplace. This is traditionally a very bearish aspect, and almost always represents a bear market, although it may not make itself known right away. There are so many indicators of a coming recession, both astrologically and in more customary analysis that it would be foolish to ignore them. Many well-known financial biggies, including heavy duty traders, hedge fund owners, political pundits and commentators are predicting the same (although astrology pointed out the timing of this much farther in advance). I will continue my lectures after the holidays. I plan on having at least one in New York in January. I will keep you all posted about the dates.


The New Moon falls on Tuesday November 26th at 10:06 A.M. EST at 4 degrees Sagittarius 03 minutes. We are entering the period of the year most associated with overindulgence. No, I don’t mean the holiday season. I mean the season of Sagittarius, the sign least likely to “say when”. There is much more astrology in our society than most people realize. The seasons all begin as the Sun enters each of the 4 cardinal signs. We name our cars Taurus, Mercury, Saturn, etc. And as I said in last month’s newsletter it’s quite fascinating that while Christmas itself falls in the beginning of stoic Capricorn, the shopping and decorating season its firmly in flamboyant and indulgent Sagittarius. But I also warned last month that what you give under Sagittarius energy comes back as credit card bills in Capricorn. J

So we are entering the shopping, partying, drinking month when we all weep over It’s a Wonderful Life & Miracle on 34th Street. This is the time to get reacquainted with old friends, give charitably to those less fortunate and get in touch with the Ghost of Christmas past. Be open and optimistic. Take a moment to help a stranger on the street or send some money to aid animals, children or any other organization that tugs at your heart strings. Just try to hold onto this feeling throughout the year. It’s not only at Christmas that your help is needed, but this is a moment when we are reminded often and in many forms that charity isn’t an option, it’s a requirement to be wholly human. There have been articles written about how Charles Dickens invented modern Christmas with his works, especially with one slight novella we all know so well. One of my favorite bits in all literature is when Scrooge is visited by Marley’s ghost early in A Christmas Carol and he says to Marley: “Jacob, you were always a good man of business.” To which Marley, grabbing the chains that attach him to his ghostly money boxes wails: “Mankind was my business!” It always gives me chills. I suppose it always will as long as I am cognizant and have a conscience.

Have a glorious Thanksgiving and a wonderful season, no matter what holiday you choose to celebrate. I wish you all peace, health, love and prosperity, in that order. Mitch



On Wednesday November 27th at 7:33 A.M. EST Neptune turns around and beings its forward motion. There will be a change in energy when many issues that have been foggy or misunderstood will begin to make sense. It will be harder to hide behind the smokescreen that has confounded us of late. Some truths will be exposed, especially for the week or two after this reversal. We are so very caught up in the actions and animosity of our current struggle in this nation and the world that it may be difficult to find the gentleness of your soul. That’s exactly when you need to embrace it most. It’s easy to be generous when everything is going along swimmingly. The real challenge comes when you are tense and can’t seem to find a reason for faith and love. Be generous in your understanding and see that we are all in this mess together, no matter what side of an argument you may stand.

There will also be a change in the underlying sense of charity and compassion where Neptune is so affective. It’s interesting that this takes place a day before Thanksgiving, when so many are without family or home. Those who are most needy are least likely to ask for help. It’s up to each of us to seek them out and do what we can, no matter how much or how little it may be. The world is a hard place and with the balance of power and stability so inequitable even a kind word or a helping hand crossing the street can make a difference. Be thankful for what you have and for those in your life who love you. Don’t ever regret having a good life. But learn the Neptunian lesson of sharing and sympathy and let your heart be filled with kindness and generosity as you cherish your own blessings. That is the purpose of Neptune and its actions, and the fact that it seems not to work on the material plane. But in fact, despite Neptune’s seemingly otherworldliness it’s through actions that we change the situation.


On Thursday November 28th Thanksgiving at 4:52 A.M. EST this creative energy will give us a day or two when the poet in us all will have a change to sing. This is an interesting transit that can bring our intuition to the forefront and stimulate our sight. This is a day to follow your intuition more than your intellect. Pay attention to your dreams, and if possible write them down and examine them the next day. You are more in touch with your inner self than usual and if you can connect on that level you may find it easy to get in contact with your inner voice and give it expression. This should help make this holiday a time of great sharing and creativity. This and the Venus trine Uranus mentioned below will add some pleasant and exciting energy to this day.


Also on Thanksgiving Thursday November 28th at 1:26 P.M. EST we will all be seeking out the unusual and exciting. This is a day to step outside the box and look at life in a new and adventurous way. Don’t follow your usual path. Let yourself run free and see where it takes you. In relationships you should try to stimulate each other and explore new ways of reaching out. This doesn’t mean that you have to do something that is outside our comfort zone, but it is a moment when you may be able to experience something new and exhilarating. Try a new cuisine, go to a jazz club or modern art museum, or just keep an open mind and try to see things in a new way. You may be surprised by a new attitude to information that you had become too rigid to look at honestly.


On Monday December 2nd at 1:20 P.M. EST this powerful transit begins. This occurs once every 12 years and lasts about a year. Historically this is a very bearish time in the financial markets, and those who know my work are aware that I am predicting a serious crunch and a recession coming in the next 12 months. I have been lecturing about this for the past year or more, and some lectures are available on my website.

Jupiter and Sagittarius, the sign it rules, have no sense of limitations or boundaries. Its concept is that things should grow as large as is possible and without restraint. Capricorn, or course, has a much different idea about how things should be. When these two energies are in contact the best way to handle it is to move slowly and with caution. That is what Capricorn wants. But it’s not really within Jupiter’s playbook, and herein lies the problem. The reason this is often a bearish sign for the stocks is that after a year of traveling through Sag Jupiter is now called upon to put in restrictions and curtail the growth. But the markets run on psychology and the collective takes time to recognize when change is needed. We will see the equities begin to sell off, though it may be after one more push up, in what they call a “melt-up”, where the stocks hit a new all-time high and then come crashing down. This begins right in the middle of the shopping season, and either we will see a surprisingly soft Christmas shopping season, which many do not expect, or a huge resulting credit crunch right after the New Year. In either case, this is the last hurray as we are heading towards the recession I have always said would begin in earnest at the start of 2021. This coming year of 2020 will see cracks being to expand and a sense of reality entering into this overly expanded equities market.

If you use this transit correctly you can accomplish a great deal and set a foundation down that will serve you for a long time to come. Moving slowly and steadily is the way to use a pairing of these two energies. If you try to expand too quickly you will find your resources limited and the project could collapse. If you don’t allow for some growth you will probably miss out on opportunities and regret a lost chance. Finding the right balance is the answer and the greatest chance for success.


On Tuesday December 3rd at 10:47 P.M. EST the male and female planets are in good aspect. This is a chance to find common ground and to explore ways to compromise in the battle of the sexes. This is a good few days to interact and enjoy the company of your friends and lovers. This isn’t a very powerful aspect, but it can give us an underlying sense of stability and understanding.


On Sunday December 8th at 4:01 A.M. EST this confusing and low energy aspect will complete. The conflict here is between what we assume is “reality” and what is being projected. Neptune can be very spiritual and compassionate. It has the capacity to open our chakras and let in the essence of our higher being. It rules music and all fine art, movies, medicine and healing in general. But it also rules drugs (legal or illegal), illusion and deception. Those with a heavily aspected Neptune in their natal chart, especially in conflict to a personal planet need to learn the difference between the truth and the projection of a false front. They can have difficulty distinguishing between the two and often must go through challenges to teach them how to confront that question. But those who have a developed soul will eventually reach that goal. Those that aren’t so evolved will tend to remain at the bottom of the pond.

This square will test us all and bring up issues of honesty and integrity. Confusion may abound, and you need to clarify things before acting on them. We will feel this a day or two before it completes. As I said this is a low energy transit and many people will feel a bit under the weather, especially if this hits personal points in your chart.


On Monday December 9th at 4:42 A.M. EST until Saturday December 28th at 11:55 P.M. EST we will all have a lot to say and may find it difficult to stay within the boundaries of what’s acceptable. Think before you speak and try to be as honest and forthright as you can. Exaggeration is a common side-effect of all Mercury – Jupiter energy, and since Jupiter rules Sagittarius that may be a recurring issue for the next 3 weeks. This is an optimistic and outgoing placement and socializing will be easy going and fun. But it’s common to lose sight of details, and while Mercury is traveling here you must pay close attention to the little things or mistakes can happen. As they say, the devil is in the details, and that saying has much validity. You may be able to examine the bigger picture and understand what’s occurring, but if you miss the smaller issues you could easily find yourself in trouble. Take advantage of the generous and outgoing atmosphere this can produce. Enjoy your parties and dates, and use the open-mindedness this can urge to study whatever interests you. This would be a good Xmas to give books, theatre tickets, an online course, or an astrology reading. J Just don’t forget to tie up the loose ends or they will come back to bite you on the ass when you least expect it and don’t have the time to deal with the details. Do it as you move along and you can avoid most pitfalls.


On Wednesday December 11th at 5:04 A.M. EST this rather dour aspect may make many people feel less like partying and more apt to watch TV with a nice bottle of wine. This is a few days when we will all be more realistic about our relationships and our plans, both financial and personal. This isn’t a bad or evil transit, just a low key one. Remember, Saturn is exalted in Libra, a sign that Venus rules. Their energy isn’t as incompatible as some think. Without a strong Saturn, relationships don’t tend to be all that stable or long lasting. I wouldn’t plan a party or a first date until this has passed. Tomorrow we have the Gemini Full Moon and there will be a lot more energy and a desire to communicate.


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Thursday December 12th at 12:12 A.M. EST at 19 degrees Gemini 52 minutes. This should be a few days of high energy and activity. This can be a very pleasant lunar aspect, though it does come with a word of advice. Gemini is a very sociable and outgoing sign. When the Full Moon falls here it is usually a time for interaction and for catching up on thing. Because it comes in December, it can stimulate that holiday spirit and should be a time when we reach out to those we may have lost contact with. Take a few moments to look over your friend’s list and see if there aren’t a few who deserve a weekend phone call. You may be surprised at how much your memories can stir you emotionally. And a half hour with an old friend or lover can bring you back to earlier times when the world was simpler, or at least seems that way in hindsight. Share you love, your dreams and your challenges and you will be a bigger person for it.

Use caution, especially when traveling. All Full Moons deserve respect, particularly in the area that the sign rules where the lunar peak occurs. In this case it’s travel and communication. Some extra care is recommended. We may see some serious problems in these areas. It may be a result of weather that makes travel extremely difficult. We often have big snow storms on this Full Moon, and with the weather patterns being so disruptive and changeable now it would be wise to keep an eye on the predictions when making your travel plans.

On the world stage this may be a week when some important news is revealed that may redirect our society in ways we could not have foreseen. Just keep your eyes and ears open and try not to have preconceived notions about what should or shouldn’t be. Seek the truth and don’t go into a dark place out of fear or resentment. Gemini and its opposite, Sagittarius always prefer to be in the light and to see what is there no matter what that is.

The energy will be high for a few days and social activities will be lively and entertaining. Gemini can be one of the most charming of signs and if you can connect to its power you will feel light-hearted and freer. Go shopping, trim the tree, have drinks with friends, or volunteer to help those in need. You will be glad you did.


On Friday December 13th at 6:56 A.M. EST this creative aspect will give us all a day when we can express our egos in a non-judgmental or narcissistic way. There is a strong desire to give of ourselves in any way we can. Charity and compassion abound, so find some way of expressing that and share what you have, spiritually, passionately or financially. Any way will be positive and you will receive much more than you give.


On Friday December 13th at 10:13 A.M. EST relationship issues will become very direct and compulsive. Expect some power struggles with your paramour as you both dig deeply into the circumstances of your connection. This can be a difficult aspect, but not a useless one by any means. This is a chance to uncover whatever is brewing in the unconscious and to examine these things so you can make changes. Pluto wants transformation and it is willing and very able to continue to dig until the truth is revealed. Don’t be afraid of that process. It isn’t there to hurt you or to upset the status quo, but rather to allow changes where they may have been blocked by anxiety or a selfish desire to keep things as they are. This is a quick moving aspect and it won’t change your life that much. But it may give you an opportunity to look honestly at your situation and remove something that has been blocking the growth of an important relationship.


On Sunday December 15th at 2:00 P.M. EST this very important trine will complete. This has been applying for several weeks and its purpose is to open our consciousness and allow new thoughts and ideas to come to light. Because this is a single pass and does not complete again for many years, we need to take advantage of this energy and open the shades to allow as much light in as possible. This is considered a very “lucky” aspect if it hits your chart just so. While I can’t promise that you will win megamillions, have your song recorded and become a hit, or get that special job you’ve been hoping for, it will give you a positive outlook and that may be all you really needed to move your life forward. This will probably help the shopping season and give a boost to retailers, even as Jupiter enters restrictive Capricorn. But this trine has much more to do with our perception and awareness than with how much crap we buy.

This is a chance for a deeper understanding of the world’s situation and a chance to learn something new and important. It will certainly affect the impeachment inquiries and, while I don’t think they are going to change too many people’s minds, there may be some light shining in the shadows and corners that will illuminate the undercurrent and give us all a small peek into what is actually happening in our government, and in the world at large. In your personal life this is a great chance to see things from a new perspective and to understand what others are going through. Uranus wants enlightenment, and Jupiter rules education. These two issues are not always compatible, as I’m sure you have realized. But there are times when knowledge can lead to a greater truth. This is one.


On Thursday December 19th at 5:00 A.M. EST we have a chance to get a lot of work done in a short time. Mars is the physical energy we contain. It rules the muscles and the ego, and when it is focused you can push forward without wasting much of the energy. Saturn is that focus. There is a reason why Mars is exalted in Capricorn. When there is a good combination of the two it can be very affective and successful. With Mercury in square to Neptune today as well, you need to be clear about what you are doing and not allow yourself to be too distracted by illusion or untruths. If you can do that, you will find that this is a day or two when you can accomplish much.


On Thursday December 19th at 11:20 P.M. EST this confusing and misdirecting transit can cause all sorts of problems. It’s vital that you stay focused and aware of your surroundings, and that you take a moment to examine what is being said or presented to you, and that you are clear in your communications. Any reason for a misunderstanding will be amplified today. This is a square that can be quite mischievous and misleading. Donald Trump has this aspect in his natal chart, and no matter what you may feel about him or his policies, he has a serious problem with the truth. But this square can also be a very spiritual time when we are forced to rely more on our intuition than our intellect. While that may be difficult for some, if you can let go of your preconceived notions and allow your spirit guide to speak to you, you may be able to circumvent mental blocks that have been restrictive and preventing you from moving ahead. Extra caution is most definitely demanded when traveling, so double check your plans, make sure you get to the airport or train station with enough time for any errors, or if you’re driving be certain that the car is in good shape, has enough fuel, and that your GPS is working properly.


On Friday December 20th at 1:42 A.M. EST until Monday January 13th at 1:39 P.M. EST we will all be a bit erratic about relationships and financial matters. This is not a period to be shy or overly conservative in these areas. You should experiment and seek out new life and new civilizations – boldly go where no one has gone before… LOL. Look for new and exciting adventures. Spend time with people who are different and challenging. You may find yourself attracted to someone quite unlike your usual tastes. Look for new creative ventures. Explore avant-garde art, music or theatre. You may be surprised at your reaction, even if you tend to be rather traditional in your taste. Whatever you do, do it to the fullest. Don’t just follow your usual path or you will be bored and may even feel frustrated and short-tempered. In relationships there could also be that feeling of irritability if you don’t do something unusual and exciting. This is a chance to step outside your relationship’s comfort zone and stir the waters. With Venus about to square Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius on Sunday this may be a very exhilarating and stimulating few days.


On Saturday December 21st at 11:20 P.M. EST we enter the cardinal earth sign and officially enter winter. Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, have a reputation of being restrictive and somewhat stoic or indifferent. As we travel through this sign there is a tendency to want to settle in and limit your events. And with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto already in this earth sign the buildup of this energy will be hard to ignore. But with Venus in square to Uranus tomorrow and the Sun in trine to that erratic planet on Tuesday I think it will be a few days before we all hanker down for the winter. Once the next New Moon in Capricorn hits the day after Christmas we will all feel a strong desire to put up boundaries and set limitations of all sorts to accommodate the huge surge that the Great Capricorn Alignment will create over the coming weeks. This is a very family oriented sign, and along with its opposite sign of Cancer has much to do with the past and with our history, both personally and collectively. Spend the coming month looking back at what you have chosen and examine your connections to the people in your life, as well as to the projects and goals you have set for yourself. This can be a very useful endeavor every year at this time, and with so many planets in transit here now and for the coming month it will be especially productive.


On Sunday December 22nd at 8:29 A.M. EST we will all have a desire for something new and adventurous. You shouldn’t stick too closely to your usual routine. Try something new. You don’t have to go overboard and suddenly hop on a plane to Bora Bora. Maybe a new restaurant, an exciting play you’ve wanted to see, or spending time with some very stimulating people could do the trick. As long as it’s something different that will open your consciousness it should be a positive and educational day or two. The Sun will be in trine to Uranus on Tuesday, so the coming few days will offer us a chance to experiment and find stimulation as we approach Christmas.


On Tuesday December 24th at 4:43 P.M. EST we will all have a rare opportunity to look at things from a different perspective. Change can come more easily than usual and there is a chance to make some major changes in how you look at your life and the path you have chosen. This is a short term transit, so I don’t think a total reworking of your plans is realistic, but it will give us a chance to redirect how we go about trying to achieve success, no matter how you define that.


The next New Moon falls on Thursday December 26th at 12:13 A.M. EST at 4 degrees Capricorn 04 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes. 

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:

November 28th 5:50 A.M. – 7:33 A.M.

November 29th 10:57 P.M. – November 30th 3:13 P.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours

December 2nd 7:27 A.M. – December 3rd 2:11 A.M. ***Moon is void 19 hours

December 5th 3:15 A.M. – 2:44 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

December 7th 10:01 A.M. – December 8th 2:29 A.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours

December 9th 8:12 P.M. – December 10th 11:47 A.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours

December 12th 12:12 A.M. – 6:23 P.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours

December 14th 10:57 A.M. – 10:56 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

December 16th 5:10 P.M. – December 17th 2:16 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

December 19th 3:07 A.M. – 6:04 A.M.

December 21st 6:45 A.M. – 7:57 A.M.

December 22nd 10:27 P.M. – December 23rd 11:34 A.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

December 25th 6:18 A.M. – 4:45 P.M. ***Moon is void 11 hours

December 27th 4:03 P.M. – December 28th 12:21 A.M.

December 30th 5:24 A.M. – 10:41 A.M.

January 1st 9:14 P.M. – 11:00 P.M.

November 2019
New York City

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