Jupiter Enters Capricorn:

Jupiter Enters Capricorn:


On Monday December 2nd at 1:20 P.M. EST this powerful transit begins. This occurs once every 12 years and lasts about a year. This will be a period when things seem to move sideways, but that is just an illusion. Jupiter wants to expand, in any way and to whatever degree the circumstances will allow. If you use this transit correctly you can accomplish a great deal and set a foundation down that will serve you for a long time to come. Moving slowly and steadily is the way to use a pairing of these two energies. If you try to expand too quickly you will find your resources limited and the project could collapse like an accordion. If you don’t allow for some growth you will probably miss out on opportunities and regret a lost chance. Get stuck in the mud and you may miss an important chance for slow sustained growth. Finding the right balance is the answer and the greatest chance for success. This is true in your plans, goals, career objectives and relationships.


Historically this is a very bearish time in the financial markets, and those who know my work are aware that I am predicting a serious crunch and a recession coming in the next 12 months. I have been lecturing about this for the past year or more, and some lectures are available on my website.


Jupiter and Sagittarius, the sign it rules, have no sense of limitations or boundaries. Its concept is that things should grow as large as is possible and without restraint. Capricorn, or course, has a much different idea about how things should be. When these two energies are in contact the best way to handle it is to move slowly and with caution. That is what Capricorn wants. But it’s not really within Jupiter’s playbook, and herein lies the problem. The reason this is often a bearish sign for the stocks is that after a year of traveling through Sag Jupiter is now called upon to put in restrictions and curtail the growth. But the markets run on psychology and the collective takes time to recognize when change is needed. We will see the equities begin to sell off, though it may be after one more push up, in what they call a “melt-up”, where the stocks hit a new all-time high and then come crashing down. This transit begins right in the middle of the shopping season, and either we will see a surprisingly soft Christmas shopping season, which many do not expect, or a huge resulting credit crunch right after the New Year. In either case, this is the last hurray as we are heading towards the recession I have always said would begin in earnest at the start of 2021. This coming year of 2020 will see cracks being to expand and a sense of reality entering into this overly expanded equities market. Take a deep breath and ease your way into this year-long aspect. Take some time to make important decisions, secure your financial foundation, and get ready to work hard and arduously. The results can be extraordinarily positive.