Neptune Goes Direct:

Neptune Goes Direct:


On Wednesday November 27th at 7:33 A.M. EST Neptune turns around and beings its forward motion. There will be a change in energy when many issues that have been foggy or misunderstood will begin to make sense. It will be harder to hide behind the smokescreen that has confounded us of late. Some truths will be exposed, especially for the week or two after this reversal. We are so very caught up in the actions and animosity of our current struggle in this nation and the world that it may be difficult to find the gentleness of your soul. That’s exactly when you need to embrace it most. It’s easy to be generous when everything is going along swimmingly. The real challenge comes when you are tense and can’t seem to find a reason for faith and love. Be generous in your understanding and see that we are all in this mess together, no matter what side of an argument you may stand.


There will also be a change in the underlying sense of charity and compassion where Neptune is so affective. It’s interesting that this takes place a day before Thanksgiving, when so many are without family or home. Those who are most needy are least likely to ask for help. It’s up to each of us to seek them out and do what we can, no matter how much or how little it may be. The world is a hard place and with the balance of power and stability so inequitable even a kind word or a helping hand crossing the street can make a difference. Be thankful for what you have and for those in your life who love you. Don’t ever regret having a good life. But learn the Neptunian lesson of sharing and sympathy and let your heart be filled with kindness and generosity as you cherish your own blessings. That is the purpose of Neptune and its actions, and the fact that it seems not to work on the material plane. But in fact, despite Neptune’s seemingly otherworldliness it’s through actions that we change the situation.