New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Sagittarius


The New Moon falls on Tuesday November 26th at 10:06 A.M. EST at 4 degrees Sagittarius 03 minutes. We are entering the period of the year most associated with overindulgence. No, I don’t mean the holiday season. I mean the season of Sagittarius, the sign least likely to “say when”. There is much more astrology in our society than most people realize. The seasons all begin as the Sun enters each of the 4 cardinal signs. We name our cars Taurus, Mercury, Saturn, etc. And as I said in last month’s newsletter it’s quite fascinating that while Christmas itself falls in the beginning of stoic Capricorn, the shopping and decorating season its firmly in flamboyant and indulgent Sagittarius. But I also warned last month that what you give under Sagittarius energy comes back as credit card bills in Capricorn. J


So we are entering the shopping, partying, drinking month when we all weep over It’s a Wonderful Life & Miracle on 34th Street. This is the time to get reacquainted with old friends, give charitably to those less fortunate and get in touch with the Ghost of Christmas past. Be open and optimistic. Take a moment to help a stranger on the street or send some money to aid animals, children or any other organization that tugs at your heart strings. Just try to hold onto this feeling throughout the year. It’s not only at Christmas that your help is needed, but this is a moment when we are reminded often and in many forms that charity isn’t an option, it’s a requirement to be wholly human. There have been articles written about how Charles Dickens invented modern Christmas with his works, especially with one slight novella we all know so well. One of my favorite bits in all literature is when Scrooge is visited by Marley’s ghost early in A Christmas Carol and he says to Marley: “Jacob, you were always a good man of business.” To which Marley, grabbing the chains that attach him to his ghostly money boxes wails: “Mankind was my business!” It always gives me chills. I suppose it always will as long as I am cognizant and have a conscience.


Have a glorious Thanksgiving and a wonderful season, no matter what holiday you choose to celebrate. I wish you all peace, health, love and prosperity, in that order. Mitch