Here is a reprint of a phone interview with the Daily Beast NOVEMBER 19. I want to thank the reporter, Alaina Demopoulus who was very kind and open-minded.
“Mitch Lewis, who has studied astrology for over three decades and currently hosts a speaking tour which uses the stars to analyze impeachment, agrees. “Pluto represents the elimination of waste,” Lewis said. “America is going through a Pluto return, which means America needs to deal with a deep-rooted infection that has been in the body politic.”
Every planet has a return, Lewis explained, which is based on the time it takes to revolve around the sun. Pluto’s takes 240 years, and will complete around late 2022 and early 2023. Adding to the fury is a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto, which recurs every 35 years.
Lewis agreed that January, or perhaps early February, will bring “some sort of resolution” to the ongoing hearings. “This energy will come to a head and the end result will be a change in direction for America,” Lewis said.
Saturn and Pluto crossed paths at the start of both World Wars, the Vietnam War, and when Mao Zedong took control over China.
“It just means there will be some sort of explosive event that will remove Donald Trump from office,” Lewis said. “It could be impeachment, a conviction, a health issue, or a blue wave in 2020.”