Mars Enters Scorpio:

Mars Enters Scorpio:


On Tuesday November 19th at 2:41 A.M. EST until January 3rd at 4:37 A.M. EST Mars will be traveling through the sign of its ancient rulership. I still give it co-rulership of Scorpio along with Pluto and feel that the intensity of this placement can at times be quite productive in a Martian way. Mars joins the Sun and Mercury in this fixed water sign and you can expect a lot of Scorpio energy in the undercurrent. You will find that you have a good sense of continuity and, as with all the fixed signs, the ability to work on something for long periods of time without too much distraction. But there may also be times when the energy will be harsh, unyielding and even potentially upsetting, so use some caution for the next 6 weeks. The positive side is the stick-to-itiveness this can produce. The negative side is the inability to let things go and move on to something else. The compulsive nature of this transit could get you caught up in a circle and unable to break free. There is a thin line between the two and you need to walk that line carefully so you can accomplish things without becoming obsessive. Scorpio has a strong drive to uncover what is hidden, even while it tends to hide its own truths. That is a dichotomy that adds to the conflicting nature of this sign. But remember, Scorpio, Pluto and the corresponding 8th house is where we rejuvenate and replenish our energy, optimism and faith. The impeachment hearings are being held during this powerful astrological period, and whatever the outcome there is much being revealed and there will be a reckoning in the end. On a personal note, we all must be careful what we say and do as there will be repercussions and pushback from others. If you use this well it can break through walls that have inhibited you for some time. It won’t do it in the way Uranus might, suddenly and without notice. It will break down whatever is outdated or decaying and allow you the chance to repair or replace with something new and refreshed. Try to take advantage of this energy and see what is worn out and no longer valid in your life.


Mars will oppose Uranus next Sunday, November 24th, and this week will be a time of stress as we get closer to that date and the applying pressure builds. You do need to be careful this week. That opposition has a well-earned reputation for anger, aggression or even violence. Stay alert and avoid any situations that seem disturbing or dangerous. The impeachment proceedings will certainly go down an even stranger path. Watch, wonder and remember. Your children will ask you where you were when this all occurred.