Venus Squares Neptune:

Venus Squares Neptune:


On Thursday November 14th at 12:07 P.M. EST romance will be much more of an illusion for a few days. In astrology Venus is the lower octave while Neptune is the higher octave of a similar energy. Venus rules artistic ventures such as decorating a home, designing clothes or ambience, scenery; while Neptune rules music, movies, photography and painting. Life works on several levels at once, and so in the celestial science we depict several levels of energy in the planets and relate it to music. When these two “octaves” are in conflict such as now, it challenges our concepts of creativity and love. I think of it as jazz – music that can excite and confuse at the same time. I taught jazz piano at the New School in New York City for a number of years. When a new student once asked me to define “real jazz” I thought about it and replied –“Jazz is what some musicians strive for their whole lives, and once we reach it, we tend to extend the boundaries out even more so we still have something to reach for. Love and music are very much the same. Once we reach a place of passion and serenity, many of us push it out of the way and continue to seek what was probably in front of our eyes already.


Under this square I wouldn’t commit to anything serious in a relationship until this has passed and more realistic transits are in play. This can be a very pleasant and light-hearted day as long as you don’t take things too seriously or make any permanent decisions, especially about relationships or financial matters. You aren’t seeing things clearly and you could be reacting to what you wish was happening rather than what really is going on. When Neptune is activated there is a problem with reality and how we are seeing it. With Venus involved this could be a day when you make a serious mistake about someone and have to live with the consequences. That’s why I suggest you wait a few days before make any important choices. Remember every time you play “real jazz” it’s different. That’s what makes it so exciting.