Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio:

Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio:


On Thursday October 31st at 11:42 A.M. EDT until Wednesday November 20th at 2:12 P.M. EST our favorite trouble maker begins its backward journey. As with all retrograde Mercury periods this comes with the usual advice. Be extremely careful while traveling and leave extra time for connections. Look over all important documents and, if possible, delay signing them until the retrograde is over. Back up your files, charge all batteries and expect the unexpected in all things involving communications and travel.


This retrograde occurs in Scorpio and it will add even more fuel to the energy of that sign and its ruler. Pluto. Many secrets will be revealed over the next three weeks, so be prepared. In your personal life you may feel an overwhelming desire to explore what has been hidden for some time. There is compulsiveness to this sign and when Mercury is traveling here it is difficult to let things slide. That’s okay as long as you are willing to face what comes up. This can be a very positive period for cleaning house, so to speak, and for digging deeply into issues that require a resolution. But it can also make you obsessive about things and unable to move forward.


No matter what happens please be careful and avoid any conflicts that are dangerous and that you have no control over. Use common sense. But as the old saying goes, common sense is not that common. This is also occurring in the collective and the coming month will escalate this most serious struggle in our government and force many to finally make a decision about their political and social path.


Trump is in serious trouble. His presidency is waning and his time in office is almost over. While I don’t believe the Republican Senators will convict and evict him I don’t think there is a way to stop this speeding train. The American voters will make their choice and no matter who wins the Democratic nomination Trump should begin packing. During the coming 3 weeks as Mercury moves backwards we will hear more witnesses coming forward, some to voice their patriotism, and some to save their asses. In any case, when this Mercury retrograde is over the action will move full speed ahead. “You can’t be neutral on a Moving Train”… Howard Zinn.