Newsletter: November 2019

Newsletter: November 2019


ISSUE # 244

November 2019

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.


We are rapidly heading towards that Great Alignment in Capricorn that I and many other astrologers have been writing and lecturing about for some time. In January Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will conjoin in that earth sign, setting up a massive power struggle. Mars will join them in February to add an extra push of energy and act as the trigger to whatever events are to take place. When outer planets are activated it is usually an inner planet that acts as the spark to set off the occurrence that the outer planet wishes to express. We are seeing the power of this considerable energy throughout our society. It is the force that is leading the impeachment movement, it is the underlying struggle in the Democratic Party to find its footing and ultimately the leader of the party who will take on Trump in the coming election; and it is the anger, frustration and desire for change that is bubbling just beneath the surface. As we approach this time we are seeing a great deal of rage and resentment come out in our culture, and potentially in many of our private lives. This is a time to use caution and to resist the temptation to fight every battle that arises. While there is a Scorpio New Moon every year at about the same time, because of Pluto’s influence in this alignment this New Moon represents a deeper and more troubling moment when many agendas that have been hidden will make themselves known.

Mercury will retrograde this month in Scorpio to add even more fuel to this period. Change is inevitable, and is the only constant in our lives. But there are times when the need for a major transition becomes obvious. This is one of those times when the transformative power of Scorpio and its ruler, Pluto, will be called upon to break down the boundaries and limitations and that we have accepted, in order to allow a new and fundamental redefinition of what we are trying to achieve. We can see this occurring throughout our culture. The ongoing protests worldwide, in Hong Kong, India, South America etc. are a good measure of the underlying angst and demand for change. I’m disappointed, but not really surprised that the U.S. population has not joined in this movement yet. But if the ensuing power struggles become as prominent as I expect over the coming months Americans may finally put down their cell phones and pizza and take to the streets, as we did following the 2016 election. There may be some announcements in January whose purpose is to constrain the power of the people. I certain can’t imagine that we will go through this process without some direct confrontation. We see it in how the Republican Party is responding to the impeachment process. And we see it in how the population of many nations has risen in protest to what their governments are doing. For the next three weeks while the Mercury retrograde is active there will be a number of issues brought out that will set the stage for this conflict to come into the open. Once Mercury turns around on November 20th the battle will increase and, as they say, push will come to shove.


The New Moon falls on Sunday October 27th at 11:38 P.M. EDT at 4 degrees Scorpio 25 minutes. Scorpio is the sign that most represents our ability to transform ourselves and, in effect reinvent who we are and how we wish the world to see us. As with all things astrological, this takes place on the personal and collective level. Because Pluto, the ruler of this sign is so prominent in the sky and in our culture now, this New Moon represents a deeper moment than it normally would. Just to remind you all, this coming January we will see a huge buildup of energy when Pluto conjuncts Saturn and Jupiter. We are seeing that America is entering the period of its “Pluto Return”, which will complete in 2023. It takes at least three years for a Pluto aspect to complete, and we are right on time.

Pluto energy can be intense, obsessive and difficult to control. But there is, as always, another level to this energy that can be very positive and productive. Scorpio is the sign of rejuvenation and it can give us all an opportunity to begin things anew. If you are able to look at your life and your objectives with a detached and unprejudiced perspective you may find a new solution to an old problem. If something hasn’t worked out for you for a long time, perhaps it’s time to take a different path and examine not only your approach but your attitude and ultimate goals. If you can do that, this will prove to be a very productive and useful time. But you must be willing to confront the issues and the power struggles that you encounter. Pluto offers us an opportunity for power. But it will not be handed to you. You must make the effort and prove that you are worthy of that power. If you try to grab what you haven’t earned you will suffer the consequences in the long run. That is the struggle that we are seeing in Washington (and I don’t mean in only the World Series.)

I have found that the first major aspect following a New Moon often represents the atmosphere of that coming lunar cycle. Just a few hours after this New Moon we will see the Sun opposite Uranus, a powerful and at times dangerous transit. This will set the mood for the coming month, and I expect that we will experience a number of challenging and volatile events that will demand our close attention. This will be an interesting and exciting lunar cycle. Whatever that ultimately means to each of us.



On Monday October 28th at 4:14 A.M. this radical and potentially explosive energy will create the atmosphere for this month. This is an accident or a confrontation waiting to happen. You must be careful for a few days surrounding this transit. Try your best to avoid disagreements or conflicts that aren’t necessary. Sometimes it’s easy to get swept up in the energy around you without even realizing that you do not really have a reason to be involved; it’s just the force of the world that you have gotten caught up in. because oppositions work through other people it would be wise to pay close attention to all of your relationships, even casual ones. Of course if this aspect sets off your personal chart you are more likely to get into a hassle. But you could walk into a store and run into someone who is going through something severe and get trapped in their manifestation of anger or frustration and become the focal point of their angst. Be careful when driving. It only takes a moment of miscalculation at 60 miles an hour to change your life forever. On the world stage we may see several surprising and radical activities this month. There are so many places that are quite explosive now: Mass protests in Hong Kong, Chile, Indonesia, Peru, the Netherlands, India, not to mention Turkey’s invasion of Syria. Any one of these could ignite into a major violent confrontation. All of this is a build up to the Saturn – Pluto – Jupiter – Mars configuration in Capricorn that is on the horizon. We have no control over any of that, only over our own circumstances. Be careful and stay alert.


On Wednesday October 30th at 6:04 P.M. EDT this very pleasant and agreeable aspect will give us a few hours of easy communication when we may be able to smooth over any rough spots that have recently occurred. This isn’t a very long lasting transit, nor is it powerful enough to overcome something like the Sun opposite Uranus we experienced a few days ago, but it is a good day for talking things out or for any social interaction. People will not want to fight and you may be able to discuss an issue that has been on your mind for some time.


On Thursday October 31st at 11:42 A.M. EDT until Wednesday November 20th at 2:12 P.M. EST our favorite trouble maker begins its backward journey. This retrograde occurs in Scorpio and it will add even more fuel to the energy of that sign and its ruler. Pluto. Many secrets will be revealed over the next three weeks, so be prepared. In your personal life you may feel an overwhelming desire to explore what has been hidden for some time. There is compulsiveness to this sign and when Mercury is traveling here it is difficult to let things slide. That’s okay as long as you are willing to face what comes up. This can be a very positive period for cleaning house, so to speak, and for digging deeply into issues that require a resolution. But it can also make you obsessive about things and unable to move forward. This is also occurring in the collective and the coming month will set up a most serious struggle in our government, our culture and force many to finally make a decision about their political and social path. No matter what happens please be careful and avoid any conflict that are dangerous and that you have no control over. Use common sense. But as the old saying goes, common sense is not that common.



On Friday November 1st at 4:25 P.M. EDT until November 26th at 7:29 P.M. EST Venus will be traveling through this most expansive of signs. For a few weeks there will be an underlying sense of light-heartedness and fun in the air. While we will still have to contend with any difficult transits, such as the upcoming Mars square Pluto, this aspect will allow us all an opportunity to enjoy ourselves and engage in some of the pleasures of life. This is a very good aspect for any travel, so if you can get away go somewhere you’ve always dreamed about. Or even take a ride upstate into the woods. There will be a feeling of excitement. Also relationships should be fairly easy now, although this won’t suddenly eliminate any unresolved problems. Try to enjoy this especially when it coincides with the more positive transits.



On Tuesday November 5th at 5:23 A.M. EST this rather intense aspect comes along. Although it completes early in the morning, it will set the mood for the rest of Tuesday, as well as for a few days leading up to it. This often manifests as a power struggle, and it can be forceful. But like all Pluto transits it offers us a chance to clean out anything that has been festering. If an argument ensues, you would be wise to face it directly and try to find a solution. Compromise may be difficult, but that’s exactly the challenge. If you can find common ground you can defuse this energy in a timely fashion. But if something occurs that seems impossible to resolve, either because of circumstances or someone’s attitude, you may be better off walking away and just letting it go for now. You may be able to revisit it later when the aspects are more positive and gentler.



On Friday November 8th at 12:06 P.M. & 12:57 PM EST this pair of transits completes. Because we are about to experience Saturn sextile Neptune later tonight the inner planets will aspect both of these planets at roughly the same time. This is a day to set things straight. You should be able to get some work done and still find time for daydreaming. Anything creative will have a lot of energy behind it and you may be able to move a project that has been felt stuck in the mud forward towards fruition.


On Friday November 8th at 9:51 P.M. EST this important aspect will complete. Saturn is the planet of responsibility and foundation, while Neptune is more about the ethereal and spiritual side of things. When they are in conflict we often have problems in our society. (They were in square during the 2016 presidential election.) But when they are in positive combination, such as now, there could be some breakthroughs in consciousness that allow the collective a moment of resolve and peace. The structure and stability of Saturn will lay down a foundation upon which Neptune’s spiritual energy can produce some positive and long lasting effects that may help us all to a deeper understanding of what we can achieve if our efforts are aimed properly. We experienced this sextile on January 31st 2019, and June 18th 2019. This is the culmination of the three passes and is having a subtle but important effect on the collective. There is a serious ongoing attempt to restrain the conflicts that escalated under that square in 2016, and the outcome will be very important in the direction our nation takes in the coming year.

In our personal lives this is offering us a chance to rebalance any major issues that have been giving us difficulty balancing what we think of as reality with our desire for a freer and perhaps illusion-based path. The ability to seek a higher truth while still keeping one foot in the material world has been the goal of many people. While I doubt that we can achieve nirvana in a short period of time, we may be able to expand our concepts of what we consider functional with what we think of as ethereal. Also, this aspect has been a resolution of the results that the square created in 2016 when the presidential election occurred. The square can create a sense of being unhinged. The sextile is more workable and can feel more stable while still offering a promise of an awakening.



On Monday November 11th at 10:22 A.M. EST this common aspect will make us all rather willful and demanding. With these two in Scorpio and Mercury in retrograde you can expect some rather deep conversations. Things will be uncovered and I wouldn’t be surprised by some revelations in both our personal lives and on the world stage. With so many issues being debated and so many hot spots around the world, the news cycle will not rest. If you don’t want to know what going on, keep your TV tuned to an oldies station and watch reruns of Frasier. But if you have an interest in world events then any news channel will most likely be overactive. In your personal conversations you must pay attention to what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. With the Rx Mercury and all this Scorpio energy any misunderstanding, even a minor one, could be blown out of proportion.



This month’s lunar peak occurs on Tuesday November 12th at 8:34 A.M. EST at 19 degrees Taurus 52 minutes. Taurus rules the 2nd house of money and values. I expect some news in the financial world that will create much motion in the markets. It’s tough to tell which way they will go, but they will most likely move in one direction or the other rather severely. Personally I think the top has been reached and despite many attempts to create a new bull run in the equities I have yet to see any indicator of that. While I don’t think there will be a crash this year, I do expect a downward sentiment. But with Mars in sextile to Jupiter now as well we could see a few days of upward movement. But Taurus is about much more than money. It rules our values, something that we each define in our own way. What’s most important to you? Is it health, companionship, security or do you just value the all mighty dollar? No matter how you see things this will be a moment when your ideas about what is most important will become obvious and force you to make some choices that may have long term effects.



On Tuesday November 12th at 1:21 P.M. EST this very positive and energetic aspect will give us a day or two of excitement and activity. This is a good day for any physical actions and I suggest that you get out and use your body. Even a long walk will be productive and feel positive. Any physical work you’ve been putting off might feel easier and more productive today. Clean out the attic, fix that fence or take the test for your brown belt. J If you’ve been meaning to ask someone out on a date, this may be a good day to do it. You’ll have a little more optimism and enthusiasm and you will feel your Cheerios.


On Wednesday November 13th at 12:56 P.M. EST this positive sextile will allow us all to dive into the deeper part of the pool without fear of drowning. If you’ve wanted to discuss something of importance but didn’t know how to go about it, this will be a few days when you should feel more secure and able to explore some subjects that have been elusive. With Mercury in positive aspects today as well there will be a solid foundation upon which we can examine issues and explore ways to resolve and improve them.



On Wednesday November 13th at 9:35 A.M. & 5:34 P.M. EST Mercury will now create the same aspects to these slower moving planets that the Sun set off a few days ago. This is a good time to discuss things and to bring to the surface any issues that have been bothering you. We will all be more realistic and structured in our thinking and can bring things to the surface that may have been difficult to discuss.



On Thursday November 14th at 12:07 P.M. EST romance will be much more of an illusion. I wouldn’t commit to anything serious until this has passed and more realistic transits are in play. This can be a very pleasant and light-hearted day as long as you don’t make any permanent decisions, especially about relationships or financial matters. You aren’t seeing things clearly and you could be reacting to what you wish was happening rather than what really is going on. When Neptune is activated there is a problem with reality and how we are seeing it. With Venus involved this could be a day when you make a serious mistake about someone and have to live with the consequences. That’s why I suggest you wait a few days before make any important choices. This may be a very bad day for the stock markets.


On Tuesday November 19th at 2:41 A.M. EST until January 3rd at 4:37 A.M. EST Mars will be traveling through the sign of its ancient rulership. I still give it co-rulership of Scorpio along with Pluto and find that the intensity of this placement can at times be quite productive. You will find that you have a good sense of continuity and the ability to work on something for long periods of time without too much distraction. But there are also times when it will be harsh, unyielding and even violent, so use some caution for the next 6 weeks. The compulsive nature of this transit could get you caught up in a circle and unable to break free. The positive side is the stick-to-itiveness this can produce. The negative side is the inability to move on to something else. There is a thin line between the two and you need to walk that line carefully so you can accomplish things without becoming obsessive.



On Wednesday November 20th at 2:12 P.M. EST the winged god finally turns around and begins its forward motion. As always, when Mercury changes direction you can expect some secrets to be revealed. If something has been delayed for the past few weeks, it may very well happen now. That check you’ve been waiting for will be in the mailbox. And that person you thought was ignoring you will call and explain that their phone had been broken (very Mercury retrograde) and they never got your message until now. The world tends to speed ahead once Mercury turns around as we try to catch up on things that have been delayed. Don’t get caught up in the fury of this change of direction. Take a deep breath and move ahead in a controlled and conscious manner. While Mercury continues through Scorpio there will be intensity to many conversations and a strong desire to delve deeply into things. Once it enters Sagittarius on December 9th we will feel a paradigm shift in energy and things will lighten up. Use this period to dig up the hidden and seek a deeper truth. It may not be easy or always pleasant, but you will be glad you did in the long run.



On Friday November 22nd at 10:00 A.M. EST we enter one of the most exciting of signs. Sagittarius does like to play and seems to enjoy life a great deal. I’ve often said that there’s nothing sadder than a sad Sagittarian. Even when things aren’t going well they seem to have this ability to brighten up a room. Of course some of that is just a mask or an illusion. The fire signs all tend to be outgoing and sociable on the surface, but as with most humans of all the 12 signs our lives are complicated and we react on several levels at once. Someone may be laughing on the outside while mourning they plight within. Try to keep that in mind when dealing with others, and as we travel through this month don’t take everything at face value. Try to see what’s going on in the undercurrent. Sag can certainly overdo things, and it has little regard for boundaries or limitations. And it would be wise to keep that in mind now as well. While Christmas itself falls at the beginning of stoic Capricorn, the shopping and decorating season is smack in the middle of this flamboyant and expansive sign. We wouldn’t have it any other way, of course. Some of the joy of the season is giving to others, at times when it may be difficult to afford. But we get great pleasure from being charitable to those we love, or to those in dire straits. Be generous and giving, but use some common sense and keep things in perspective. Remember, what you give under Sagittarius energy comes back as credit card bills in Capricorn.



On Sunday November 24th at 8:33 A.M. EST this wonderful aspect completes just a few hours before the more tenuous Mars opposite Uranus. This conjunct can be very enjoyable. There’s a strong desire to indulge in life’s goodies and to take things to the edge. This is a very sociable and adventurous moment, and though it does complete early in the morning you will feel it strongly the night before. This is a good day for any pleasures of the flesh. Eat, drink and be merry. (lol) Be careful of overindulgences and inappropriate romances. We live in a material world and tend to express ourselves through eating, drinking, shopping and other obvious ways. But it is through the interaction of the souls that we really share our existence. The pleasures of Venus combined with the expansion of Jupiter can be very spiritual when viewed that way. This is a good day for any travel, education or socializing. It isn’t really about stuff so much as about spirit.


On Sunday November 24th at 11:49 A.M. EST this rather explosive and potentially dangerous aspect will complete. If this sets off your chart you need to use caution and pay attention to your environment. This combination has a well-earned reputation of being unsettling and it may result in some event on the world stage. Since we have no control over what goes on with the collective, just try to keep yourself from harm’s way and sidestep any confrontations that you can. Even with the best of intensions this can be a day when things just seem to break down, blow up and in general are unstable. This can result in accidents, arguments and unexpected reactions from those around you.


On Monday November 25th at 7:29 P.M. EST until December 20th at 1:42 A.M. EST Venus travel through this Saturn ruled sign. While this isn’t the most easy-going of aspects and it can feel restrictive at times, it isn’t quite as unpleasant as you may think. For one thing, Saturn is exalted in Libra, one of the signs that Venus rules. That’s because in order to have a successful and long term relationship (Libra’s domain) we need to have a solid foundation and a realistic point of view. That is exactly what Saturn and Capricorn present as one of their lessons in life. While Venus is in this sign we will all tend to be more realistic about our important relationships. There is a tendency to test them to see just how strong they are. The secure ones will grow even stronger for the testing. The weak ones will be exposed and in many cases may change radically or end altogether. When a relationship ends under Saturn influence it isn’t smart to try and rejuvenate it unless there have been serious and deep changes made. You will only find yourself sinking into the quicksand you just pulled out of. For the next month you should be willing to look at your closest and most intimate connections and view them with a clear and honest eye. The truth may sting sometimes, but it is always better than living a lie. This is a good placement for financial matters, looking over your portfolio, putting together a budget or finding ways to save. It’s also a good time to seek out old friends and revitalize those relationships that have just been put on a back burner as long as they weren’t negative in their influence that last time you were together.


The next New Moon falls on Tuesday November 26th at 10:06 A.M. EST at 4 degrees Sagittarius 03 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:

October 29th 1:34 P.M. – 5:58 P.M.

October 31st 10:29 A.M. – 10:38 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

November 3rd 1:46 A.M. – 6:19 A.M.

November 5th 9:37 A.M. – 6:08 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

November 7th 8:13 P.M. – November 8th 6:49 A.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

November 10th 9:00 A.M. – 6:18 P.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours

November 12th 10:48 A.M. – November 13th 3:46 A.M.

November 15th 6:40 A.M. – 11:15 A.M.

November 17th 3:14 P.M. – 4:57 P.M.

November 19th 4:11 P.M. – 8:54 P.M.

November 21st 10:31 P.M. – 11:20 P.M.

November 23rd 9:49 P.M. – November 24th 12:58 A.M.

November 25th 12:30 P.M. – November 26th 3:11 A.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours

November 28th 5:50 A.M. – 7:33 A.M.

November 29th 10:57 P.M. – November 30th 3:13 P.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours

December 2nd 7:27 A.M. – December 3rd 2:11 A.M. ***Moon is void 19 hours

October 2019

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