The Sun Opposes Uranus:

The Sun Opposes Uranus:


On Monday October 28th at 4:14 A.M. this radical and potentially explosive energy will create the atmosphere for this month. This is an accident or a confrontation waiting to happen. You must be careful for a few days surrounding this transit. Try your best to avoid disagreements or conflicts that aren’t necessary. Sometimes it’s easy to get swept up in the energy around you without even realizing that you do not really have a reason to be involved; it’s just the force of the world that you have gotten caught up in. because oppositions work through other people it would be wise to pay close attention to all of your relationships, even casual ones. Of course if this aspect sets off your personal chart you are more likely to get into a hassle. But you could walk into a store and run into someone who is going through something severe and get trapped in their manifestation of anger or frustration and become the focal point of their angst. Be careful when driving. It only takes a moment of miscalculation at 60 miles an hour to change your life forever. On the world stage we may see several surprising and radical activities this month. There are so many places that are quite explosive now: Mass protests in Hong Kong, Chile, Indonesia, Peru, the Netherlands, India, not to mention Turkey’s invasion of Syria. Any one of these could ignite into a major violent confrontation. All of this is a build up to the Saturn – Pluto – Jupiter – Mars configuration in Capricorn that is on the horizon. We have no control over any of that, only over our own circumstances. Be careful and stay alert.