New Moon in Scorpio:

New Moon in Scorpio:


The New Moon falls on Sunday October 27th at 11:38 P.M. EDT at 4 degrees Scorpio 25 minutes. Scorpio is the sign that most represents our ability to transform ourselves and, in effect reinvent who we are and how we wish the world to see us. As with all things astrological, this takes place on the personal and collective level. Because Pluto, the ruler of this sign is so prominent in the sky and in our culture now, this New Moon represents a deeper moment than it normally would. Just to remind you all, this coming January we will see a huge buildup of energy when Pluto conjuncts Saturn and Jupiter. We are seeing that America is entering the period of its “Pluto Return”, which will complete in 2023. It takes at least three years for a Pluto aspect to complete, and we are right on time.

Pluto energy can be intense, obsessive and difficult to control. But there is, as always, another level to this energy that can be very positive and productive. Scorpio is the sign of rejuvenation and it can give us all an opportunity to begin things anew. If you are able to look at your life and your objectives with a detached and unprejudiced perspective you may find a new solution to an old problem. If something hasn’t worked out for you for a long time, perhaps it’s time to take a different path and examine not only your approach but your attitude and ultimate goals. If you can do that, this will prove to be a very productive and useful time. But you must be willing to confront the issues and the power struggles that you encounter. Pluto offers us an opportunity for power. But it will not be handed to you. You must make the effort and prove that you are worthy of that power. If you try to grab what you haven’t earned you will suffer the consequences in the long run. That is the struggle that we are seeing in Washington (and I don’t mean in only the World Series.)

I have found that the first major aspect following a New Moon often represents the atmosphere of that coming lunar cycle. Just a few hours after this New Moon we will see the Sun opposite Uranus, a powerful and at times dangerous transit. This will set the mood for the coming month, and I expect that we will experience a number of challenging and volatile events that will demand our close attention. This will be an interesting and exciting lunar cycle. Whatever that ultimately means to each of us.

Hi Mitchell, Scorpio New Moon fully right on.
Here’s a problem my computer is having, I have signed up for your newsletter minimum 6 times. I always get Happy Success! but no email confirming. Maybe because I have Uranus in first house, blowing up all electronic communication. Who knows? Trying again.