The Sun Enters Scorpio:

The Sun Enters Scorpio:


On Wednesday October 23rd at 1:20 P.M. EDT we enter the fixed part of autumn when we harvest what we have sowed and begin to prepare for the long, cold winter. Each of the 12 signs has its role and purpose, and each is equally necessary to create a balanced and fulfilled existence. The fixed signs can be very unyielding and at times feel limiting and even repressive. But their purpose is very clear and four times a year humanity comes to a place when we must settle in and examine what we have done during the past two monthly periods. Cardinal signs initiate and begin a process, mutable signs start the change into the next period, but the fixed signs are the time when we hunker down and lay down a structure and a foundation upon which the following mutable energy will feel secure enough to create an atmosphere of change. Scorpio rules the 8th house and is the place in our charts where we can transform ourselves on the deepest level. This process makes this sign rather intense as it feels an obligation to examine what we are doing and prepare to expunge anything that is no longer valid. Those with a lot of Scorpio energy in their charts are often misunderstood and their true purpose can be misconstrued. If you give in to this sign and its potential you can make changes in your direction, attitude and purpose that can have profound effects on how you view life. But remember that it is a fixed sign and can be stubborn and rigid. Try to remain open-minded and listen to what others have to teach. None of us know everything and life is an ongoing procedure of learning and using that knowledge. The more you are willing to listen, the more you will have to teach others.