The Sun Squares Pluto:

The Sun Squares Pluto:


On Monday October 14th at 3:34 A.M. EDT this powerful and demanding aspect can be very important. This is a day when we won’t accept superficial answers and will tend to dig deeply into any subject to uncover what lies underneath. This can be a difficult aspect and many people will not be prone to compromise. With so much Pluto and Scorpio energy this month that will be an ongoing theme in our lives and in the collective. It’s easy to be compulsive and unable to let go of things. While the depth of understanding that Pluto demands can be very productive, it can also create situations that we become stuck in and unable to move away from. Whatever comes to the surface now must be examined in an honest and direct fashion. But don’t get so caught up in the details or in your desire to completely tear something apart that you ignore other issues in your life. The obsession Pluto can create at times will just be distracting and counter-productive. Are you really learning something by nit-picking, or are you just so focused on a single thought that you can’t get out of your own way? Answer that question truthfully and you will use this square to your advantage. Power struggles are common when Pluto is involved, both on a personal level and in the collective. Pick and choose your battles carefully. This may be a day when we hear some important news about the political struggle America is facing.