Full Moon in Aries:

Full Moon in Aries:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Sunday October 13th at 5:08 P.M. EST at 20 degrees Aries 14 minutes. All Full Moons need to be respected. The intensity of the Sun-Moon opposition is well known and can bring many things out into the open. But some are fiercer than others, and the Aries Full Moon can at times create a rough and overly active atmosphere that requires close attention. Most Full Moons pass without much fanfare and this one may as well. But with the current events on display and the underlying tensions in the world we could see some action that may be quite disturbing. With Mars traveling through Libra now the results hopefully will be muted and more subtle, but I would still suggest some caution. Aries can be very explosive and even with its ruler in the gentler Libra you could find yourself in a battle of wills. This Sun-Moon opposition is all about relationships and how we interact. You may find some issues coming to a head forcing you to deal with a situation that you had hoped to circumvent. Unfortunately the stars do not really care what you hope for, only what you need to deal with. But as Cassius says in Julius Caesar: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
but in ourselves…” (For some strange reason, Shakespeare has been coming to mind a lot as I write this newsletter. Perhaps there is a profound event about to take place?)


We may see a rather volatile event or series of events culminating around this Full Moon. All the Scorpio and Pluto energy is piling up and will eventually demand release. Nothing works as an escape valve quite like a Full Moon. Be careful and keep your eyes open. With the Sun about to square Pluto on Monday the exposure of secrets is bound to be part of the mix. This impeachment is building to a head sooner than expected, and I think things will come to a head very quickly. I’ve said this before. Trump will not be reelected and the political carnage as a result of this administration will be profound and long lasting. The biggest fear of course is will this all go down peacefully and orderly, or will it be explosive and debilitating to our nation? In the meantime pay attention to our own life and keep your eyes open around this Full Moon. We can’t do much about the world’s problems, but we can do a little about our own. Peace and wellbeing. Mitch.

So sorry Mitch,
President Trump Will be re-elected, but I’ll be watching the moon! Is this a duplicate comment? I doubt it, there cannot be an exact duplicate, Is it you don’t want to see it?

I appreciate hearing /reading your comment re Trump not being reelected, esp since another astrologer [on Coast to Coast radio show, recently] said he would most likely be reelected. [C2C is where I first heard you interviewed, and signed up to receive your emails!]

The US and world need to move beyond him/his ilk asap, begin to heal and unify ….

I really appreciate your emails, their depth and length and insight….