Venus Opposes Uranus:

Venus Opposes Uranus:


On Saturday October 12th at 6:00 P.M. EDT you can expect some unexpected events and choices to present themselves, especially in relationships. This is an aspect that asks you: “If there were no boundaries or rules, what would you really want from life?” To answer that question honestly we sometimes have to leave our comfort zone and explore the untested. Now I don’t really think most of us will go off into the wilderness of human relationships and join a cult or throw out all of our preset limitations and guidelines. This is a quick moving transit that will stimulate us all, especially if it sets off your natal chart. But you may find that you are examining your deepest feelings and beliefs and you just might discover some side of your psyche that isn’t always happy with the restrictions you have grown to accept. This can manifest in many ways. You may discover that you are attracted to a person, idea or philosophy that is quite different from your usual interests. This can be a freeing moment when you suddenly better understand jazz, Asimov, or Picasso; when astrology starts to make sense or you can suddenly see the Matrix for what it is. This opposition occurs every 6 months or so, but with the tremendous amount of Uranus energy being projected at the moment and the radical shift in world events and politics it may have a more profound effect on some of us than such a quick moving transit usually would. Look for the unusual, open your eyes and ears and listen to the wind. There may be a deeply insightful song being whispered. Listen hard and you will hear it.