Venus Enters Scorpio:

Venus Enters Scorpio:


On Tuesday October 8th at 1:06 P.M. EDT until November 1st at 4:25 P.M. EDT Venus will be in its detriment. The good news is that if you still give Mars co-rulership of Scorpio (which I do) this is setting up a mutual receptivity between the male and female planets and gives us an opportunity to better understand the correlation between the two. The bad news is that Venus can feel out of sorts in this sign even as the underlying opportunity is present. This can be a period when we don’t find it easy to compromise in intimate relationships. There can be a sense of black-or-white about issues and a demanding attitude that can be difficult to circumvent. But if you can reach that deeper place of understanding where the receptivity is activated you can do some great work on your closest connections and make some very good decisions. It’s important that you try to keep an open mind and see the whole story, not just your side of things. There is intensity about this placement that can translate into a powerful sense of intimacy and sexual energy. That’s great as long as it’s kept in perspective and not used to control or manipulate the other person. There is a depth of feelings and a desire to uncover what’s underneath in close relationships. That’s the positive side of this placement. Aim for that and be willing to see what comes to the surface in an honest and open fashion and you can explore depths of understanding and love you may not have been able to reach until now.