The Sun Squares Saturn:

The Sun Squares Saturn:


On Monday October 7th at 3:07 P.M. EDT this limiting and at times frustrating square will make many of us feel the tension of Saturn’s demanding and restrictive nature. This will be a day of work and obligations and if you face them head on you can accomplish much. But you won’t have extra energy for play so take care of the responsibilities first. Don’t set the bar too high. I wouldn’t plan an important social event, date or other activities. You can expect many people to be feeling this and they may express their frustration out on whoever is around. Keep your eyes open and don’t be the subject of their angst. By the same token try not to push your stuff on someone who doesn’t deserve it. Saturn isn’t trying to hurt us. It’s just doing its job and pointing out where we need to pay attention to what is most pertinent in our lives. Because this is a very low energy transit you may feel tired or a bit discouraged, especially if it sets off your personal chart. Don’t overextend. Just take care of business and leave some time for rest. With Mercury in opposition to Uranus today as well this will be a few days of anxiety and stress. You don’t have to give in to it. If you use this Saturn energy to focus on the important issues and pay attention to what’s going on around you, you can avoid pitfalls and make this a productive time. But you must be careful. This combination can easily lead to problems in relationships and business interactions.