Mercury Opposes Uranus:

Mercury Opposes Uranus:


On Monday October 7th at 2:16 A.M. EDT this potentially explosive opposition comes to remind us all that life can change in a moment. This aspect will speed things up to the point where it may be difficult to react in time to what is happening. Communications of all sorts will be fast and furious, and if you don’t watch yourself you could respond in an inappropriate manner. This can be an argument waiting to happen so do your best to think before you talk. That may be quite difficult, especially if you tend to be overly verbose in general. If you can control this energy you may be able to get a lot of work done in a short period of time. This is a moment when people will say exactly what’s on their mind without the usual filters. That can create a very good or a very bad situation. You will probably hear exactly what someone is thinking and can respond in a more honest and direct fashion. That might help you clear the air and settle something that has been unspoken for some time. But it can also result in an explosive encounter that may not be easy to extricate yourself from. Use caution and try to stay above the fray.


This can also manifest as an accident or action that result in an unexpected manner. Remember, everyone will be feeling this, so even if you feel in control the person next to you may not. Stay cool boys and girls, and put things in perspective. Don’t overreact to some small slight or assume that someone is aiming their anger at you. They may be responding to something that is happening in their life and has nothing to do with the circumstances you find yourself in. Because the Sun is in square to Saturn today as well the underlying emotions are tense and frustration will abound. If you play this right you can avoid most problems. But if you are too busy to notice what’s going on around you, or you are also feeling some inner stress you may respond in a sudden and uncontrolled fashion and escalate what should be a minor issue into a bigger problem.