Newsletter: October 2019

Newsletter: October 2019

ISSUE # 243

October 2019

Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.



So we have entered a new era in American politics with the impending impeachment of Donald J. Trump. What exactly does this mean to our nation, the world and the Trump legacy?

The Saturn-Pluto conjunct in January at 22 degrees Capricorn will heavily affect America’s chart. It will inconjunct Mars at 21 degrees Gemini, and be close to the opposition to Mercury at 23 degrees Cancer. Both of these aspects imply power struggles and a deep desire to uncover what lies beneath the surface. The impeachment hearings, whatever you may think of them, are a manifestation of this energy and the need for the collective to bring out into the open what has been going on in the shadows. No matter on which side of the aisle you sit this has been a long period of hidden agendas and unspoken events, ideas and motivations. The whispering in closed rooms, the distractive shouting on social media and the inability to come to any conclusions that will satisfy either camp has led us to this point. There will be no easy solution and no quick resolution. Some believe that this is a mistake the Democrats are making, others that it is long overdue and requires that some action be taken to clear the air. In either case there is going to be a long protracted battle as one issue after another is revealed and discussed in the open. Forget about your usual TV shows, especially during the day. You may have to forego The Price Is Right at times. They will be periodically preempted by the hearings. While America is preoccupied with this the rest of the world will be watching intently to see how we handle this situation and if we can maintain a functioning government while that government is scrutinized and dissected.

What will the outcome be? Personally I believe that if they had just let things be Trump would have lost the 2020 election by a large majority. While I still think that will be the case, nobody can predict how the electorate will respond to this ongoing investigation. When they tried to impeach Bill Clinton his approval rating went up to 73%, the highest level of his presidency. Of course Nixon on the other hand saw his support plummet in a few short months and he left office with an approval rating of just 24%, so there’s no easy assumption. Trump’s ratings have remained virtually the same throughout his presidency. Will the staunch supporters circle around this embattled president, or turn tail and head for the door? Only time will tell. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see a number of Republican Senators and Congressmen start to step away. If there is a crack in the wall it may easily turn into a total collapse.

Here’s what the astrology says:

Transiting Saturn and Pluto are in opposition to Trump’s Venus-Saturn conjunct. They will continue to be in orb for the next year, through the 2020 election. This is not a positive set of transits, and it represents a severe struggle that will ensue for some time. Pluto offers power. If we handle it properly it will test us and make demands, but ultimately that power will be solidified. Saturn limits us, but its purpose is to shore up the foundation of whatever is being tested. With these two planets in close orb the results could go either way. It might mean an increase in the person’s power and stature, or it could result in a total breakdown of support and the undoing of the power structure. Much has to do with the enlightenment of the individual and how they go about using the energy. Trump is not a very enlightened person and I do not believe this will be a good period for him.

As many of you follow astrology know, Trump has a rather unique natal chart. He was born in Queens NY on June 14th 1946. There are several birth times being used by astrologers. I have always believed in the 10:54 A.M. time which gives him an Ascendant of 29 degrees Leo 55 minutes. There are a number of reasons that I use this time. I won’t go into them all now. I’ll cover them in future lectures and articles. But suffice to say that it puts Mars close to the ascendant and the fixed star Regulus (actually a binary system, or some astronomers think, even a 4 star cluster) falls exactly on that ascendant. Regulus has been studied since the Babylonians. It was used by the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and virtually all astrological societies. It is called the King Maker and considered a barer of implied greatness and high position. But on the Ascendant it has been interpreted as: “Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble. Benefits seldom last – the person shall die an unhappy death and all his honors, greatness and power shall at last suffer an eclipse”. I would say that we shall soon have another perspective for the argument about Trump’s birth time as the events unfold and we see just how this all ends.



The New Moon falls on Saturday September 28th at 2:26 P.M. EDT at 5 degrees Libra 20 minutes. Libra is known as the sign of relationships, especially marriage and intimate one-on-one encounters. This can include partnerships and a close encounter with your doctor, lawyer, accountant or astrologer. They are all 7th house issues, and this Venus ruled sign certainly has much to do with how we relate to each other. The next month will see much attention aimed at one-on-one relationships. With the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in this sign, and Mars coming in on October 4th just as Mercury moves on to Scorpio, we have a lot of energy in Libra and I will be discussing it all month. This is a time to look over your most important connections and ensure that they are heading in a direction that works for you. Libra has a reputation for not making up its mind too readily, and while that is true and they do not like direct confrontation, that doesn’t mean that this is a weak or passive sign. Libras can be extremely assertive in their own way. They don’t approach issues the same way that Aires, its opposite sign, does, but if you get into a conflict with a Libra you will find that they can be just as stubborn and feisty, and while they may not engage as aggressively, they also won’t be prone to back down. The Cardinal signs can all be rather assertive. Libra just does it in a roundabout way. They will get around to it eventually, but unlike Aires who tell you within the first 30 seconds what’s on their mind, the Libra energy prefers to circumvent the issue until they feel that you are sufficiently engaged and won’t overreact. While we are in the Libra Season you may be wise to wait until the time seems right and then drop your little bombshells. LOL

But while relationships are one of the main concerns there is another side to Libra. It is the sign of the scales, after all, and when you see a picture of “Justice”, blindfolded and undistracted, she is holding the scales of impartiality, as the law should be weighed not by design or sight but by precedent and, we hope, a sense of fairness. While Jupiter and the 9th house rule the higher courts, the 7th house rules the lower courts. The differentiation can be disputed and which crimes fall into which house is a matter of debate. But suffice to say that this New Moon joining the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Libra is having a powerful effect on our society. The House of Representatives has finally decided to begin impeachment proceedings against the President and we will all be drawn into the fray in the coming months. That is very much a 7th (and 9th) house issue. There won’t be any way to avoid it. Just how much you are willing to get sucked into the hearings, the squabbles and the anger is really up to you. If you’re a political junkie you will be glued to your devices listening to every interview and opinion. If not, you will still hear about it on the news, in coffee shops and over dinner. Be careful now. You don’t want to alienate important people whose views may differ from you own. But you will see the chasm dividing us grow ever wider. With Saturn now direct and Pluto about to turn around we are entering this drama with eyes wide open and an energy that will push until this is completed, no matter where it leads us.



On Saturday September 28th at 7:40 P.M. this very pleasant and easy-going aspect will give us all a day to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. This is a very sociable and people-oriented energy and you should try to spend some time with your closest and dearest. It isn’t usually a very energetic aspect and many will choose to lounge around. That’s fine. It’s a good day for a mini-staycation and you can spend it relaxing, having a leisurely lunch with friends, or taking a long walk in the park or by the beach. It’s also a good day for romantic encounters, if you’re lucky enough to have one.


On Tuesday October 1st at 12:14 A.M. EDT this decidedly different Venus transit from the sextile to Jupiter mentioned above will complete. This is a day when we all will be prone to examine our relationships and see where they are and aren’t working out. This can be a bit of a rough energy and if you’re having troubles in a close connection of any sort you may be wise to avoid direct confrontation. But if there’s something that absolutely must be worked through you probably won’t be able to sidestep it. This passes quickly, although the effects of any transit can linger for some time. Pluto is about to go direct on Thursday and many issues that have been buried or ignored will start to demand our attention. This square simply heralds that Plutonian change of energy and is an indicator of what we can expect in the next few months.



On Thursday October 3rd at 2:37 A.M. EDT a great change will begin to occur. As you know we are heading towards that Great Capricorn alignment that begins in earnest this January when Saturn conjuncts Pluto. But, as is the case with all outer planet aspects they begin to influence our world months in advance, and we are already seeing the effects in the political circus and in many personal issues. Pluto demands a reckoning and its transits will bring things to the surface that have been buried or ignored for some time. The fact that the Democrats chose to begin impeachment proceedings just as Saturn and this planet were preparing for reversal is an important fact. We can no longer accept certain things that we’ve been living with. This is going to be obvious in your personal life as well as in world events. With Mercury and Venus about to enter Scorpio the depths of this redirection will affect us all on an individual level. You must be willing to look at your issues with an open mind and a readiness to dig deeply and uncover what is happening behind the scenes. This can affect your relationships, finances and long-range plans. Take the time to examine your life and if something isn’t working out you must be able to let it go. But Pluto tends to be compulsive and detaching isn’t the easiest thing to do. Keep that in mind as you look over your important issues and try your best to focus on those that have growth potential and can aid you in the long run. It’s one thing to step backwards; it’s another to fall into the quicksand you just climbed out of.

This reversal of Pluto will certainly increase the tension surrounding the impeachment proceedings. With Saturn and now Pluto both going direct and applying to the conjunct of these two planets in January we are heading into a confrontational period that will be profound and have lasting effects on our society. We can’t go through an impeachment without it influencing almost everything in our country. And with the world watching with bated breath (a phrase first used by Shakespeare in Merchant of Venice, BTW) and with so much on the line the importance of this situation cannot be overstated. We are heading towards a serious battle of wills and it probably won’t be very pretty.



On Thursday October 3rd at 4:15 A.M. EDT until December 9th at 4:42 A.M. EST Mercury will travel through this sign. Because of the retrograde motion Mercury will stay in Scorpio for more than 2 months. That’s a long time to deal with this energy, so we all better prepare. Scorpio is one of the more complex signs. It’s fixed water, in itself a complicated issue. I’ve said many times that there are several signs that don’t quite feel right in their nature. Fixed air, fire and water are among these. In each case the element is used to being free and uninhibited. Placing it in a fixed and unyielding quadruplicity create an underlying tension. Fixed water is a still pond or lake. It runs very deep as do the emotions of Scorpio. This makes it a difficult sign to contend with on a superficial level, but an excellent one for more delving and buried emotions and issues. I feel that the art or therapy is actually co-ruled by a number of planets and signs including Pisces, Sagittarius and of course Scorpio. In order to uncover what the patient is dealing with we must dig deep into the unconscious, and what better sign to that than this Pluto-ruled fixed water? So as Mercury spends months traveling here we can expect that conversations will be quite revealing, and that there will continue to be revelations about our political situation. Expect to hear some dark secrets and for the dialogue to become even more vicious and unbending. Remember, fixed energy doesn’t easily yield and can be very stubborn. While Mercury is here there will be a tendency to do just that. If someone is set in their opinion you may find it very difficult to change their mind. Pick and choose your arguments with care. You don’t want to get stuck in an unwinnable fight where nobody is willing to budge. But with Scorpio energy if you do your homework and can present an opinion that is solid and based on facts you just might be able to open someone’s eyes to see things from a new perspective.



On Friday October 4th at 12:22 A.M. EDT until November 19th at 2:41 A.M. EST Mars enters its detriment as it passes through this Venus ruled sign. The assertive nature of Mars doesn’t feel all that comfortable in the sign of the scales. This is a passive-aggressive sign that prefers to circumvent direct confrontation whenever possible. Mars’ energy is exactly the opposite. If something is askew, the god of war prefers an out and out battle to determine the outcome. This conflicting set of rules makes it difficult for Mars to act out in its normal fashion. As anyone born with this placement will tell you. The next 6 weeks will be a time when we all must learn to find compromise and balance and subjugate the ego in order to find resolution to our struggles. On October 8th Venus will enter Scorpio, one of the signs Mars has some domain over. This will give us a chance to examine both sides of the issues and while it will be a period when both the male and female planets are in an awkward place this “mutual receptivity” can be used quite successfully to understand the various sides of any issue and come to a sensible solution. But you must work at it. It will not automatically give us this knowledge without first creating situations that require some thought and empathy. Look at the coming weeks as a challenge and a chance to gain some real insight into how the other person sees things.


On Monday October 7th at 2:16 A.M. EDT this potentially explosive opposition comes to remind us all that life can change in a moment. This aspect will speed things up to the point where it may be difficult to react in time to what is happening. Communications of all sorts will be fast and furious, and if you don’t watch yourself you could respond in an inappropriate manner. This can be an argument waiting to happen so do your best to think before you talk. That may be quite difficult, especially if you tend to be overly verbose in general. If you can control this energy you may be able to get a lot of work done in a short period of time. This is a moment when people will say exactly what’s on their mind without the usual filters. That can create a very good or a very bad situation. You will probably hear exactly what someone is thinking and can respond in a more honest and direct fashion. That might help you clear the air and settle something that has been unspoken for some time. But it can also result in an explosive encounter that may not be easy to extricate yourself from. Use caution and try to stay above the fray.

This can also manifest as an accident or action that results in an unexpected manner. Remember, everyone will be feeling this, so even if you feel in control the person next to you may not. Stay cool boys and girls, and put things in perspective. Don’t overreact to some small slight or assume that someone is aiming their anger at you. They may be responding to something that is happening in their life and has nothing to do with the circumstances you find yourself in. Because the Sun is in square to Saturn today as well the underlying emotions are tense and frustration will abound. If you play this right you can avoid most problems. But if you are too busy to notice what’s going on around you, or you are also feeling some inner stress you may respond in a sudden and uncontrolled fashion and escalate what should be a minor issue into a bigger problem.



On Monday October 7th at 3:07 P.M. EDT this limiting and at times frustrating square will make many of us feel the tension of Saturn’s demanding and restrictive nature. This will be a day of work and obligations and if you face them head on you can accomplish much. But you won’t have extra energy for play so take care of the responsibilities first. Don’t set the bar too high. I wouldn’t plan an important social event, date or other activities. You can expect many people to be feeling this and they may express their frustration out on whoever is around. Keep your eyes open and don’t be the subject of their angst. By the same token try not to push your stuff on someone who doesn’t deserve it. Saturn isn’t trying to hurt us. It’s just doing its job and pointing out where we need to pay attention to what is most pertinent in our lives. Because this is a very low energy transit you may feel tired or a bit discouraged, especially if it sets off your personal chart. Don’t overextend. Just take care of business and leave some time for rest.


On Tuesday October 8th at 1:06 P.M. EDT until November 1st at 4:25 P.M. EDT Venus will be in its detriment. The good news is that if you still give Mars co-rulership of Scorpio (which I do) this is setting up a mutual receptivity between the male and female planets and gives us an opportunity to better understand the correlation between the two. The bad news is that Venus can feel out of sorts in this sign even as the underlying opportunity is present. This can be a period when we don’t find it easy to compromise in intimate relationships. There can be a sense of black-or-white about issues and a demanding attitude that can be difficult to circumvent. But if you can reach that deeper place of understanding where the receptivity is activated you can do some great work on your closest connections and make some very good decisions.



On Saturday October 12th at 6:00 P.M. EDT you can expect some unexpected events and choices to present themselves. This is an aspect that asks you: “If there were no boundaries or rules, what would you really want from life?” To answer that question honestly we sometimes have to leave our comfort zone and explore the untested. Now I don’t really think most of us will go off into the wilderness of human relationships and join a cult or throw out all of our preset limitations and guidelines. This is a quick moving transit that will stimulate us all, especially if it sets off your natal chart. But you may find that you are examining your deepest feelings and beliefs and you just might discover some side of your psyche that isn’t always happy with the restrictions you have grown to accept. This can manifest in many ways. You may discover that you are attracted to a person, idea or philosophy that is quite different from your usual interests. This can be a freeing moment when you suddenly better understand jazz, Asimov, or Picasso; when astrology starts to make sense and you can suddenly see the Matrix for what it is. This opposition occurs every 6 months or so, but with the tremendous amount of Uranus energy being projected and the radical shift in world events and politics it may have a more profound effect on some of us than such a quick moving transit usually would. Look for the unusual, open your eyes and ears and listen to the wind. There may be a deeply insightful song being whispered. Listen hard and you will hear it.



On Sunday October 13th at 2:02 P.M. EDT this wonderful easy going sextile will give us a day or so of pleasant social interaction and adventure. This is a nice day for socializing, entertaining, travel or any form of education. Take a moment to feel the breeze and spend some time with your besties. This isn’t a very weighty aspect and it could pass without notice. But if you can find an hour or so this afternoon to sit and watch the world go by you will be grateful for the respite. This precedes the Aires Full Moon a few hours later, and if you can hold onto the pleasant atmosphere this sextile creates you may be able to sail through the energy of the lunar peak more readily.



This month’s lunar peak occurs on Sunday October 13th at 5:08 P.M. EST at 20 degrees Aries 14 minutes. All Full Moons need to be respected. The intensity of the Sun-Moon opposition is well known and can bring many things out into the open. But some are fiercer than others, and the Aries Full Moon can at times create a rough and overly active atmosphere that requires close attention. Most Full Moons pass without much fanfare and this one may as well. But with the current events on display and the underlying tensions in the world we could see some action that may be quite disturbing. With Mars traveling through Libra now the results hopefully will be muted and more subtle, but I would still suggest some caution. Aries can be very explosive and even with its ruler in the gentler Libra you could find yourself in a battle of wills. This Sun-Moon opposition is all about relationships and how we interact. You may find some issues coming to a head forcing you to deal with a situation that you had hoped to circumvent. Unfortunately the stars do not really care what you hope for, only what you need to deal with. But as Cassius says in Julius Caesar: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
but in ourselves…” (For some strange reason, Shakespeare has been coming to mind a lot as I write this newsletter. Perhaps there is a profound event about to take place?)

We may see a rather volatile event or series of events culminating around this Full Moon. All the Scorpio and Pluto energy is piling up and will eventually demand release. Nothing works as an escape valve quite like a Full Moon. Be careful and keep your eyes open.



On Monday October 14th at 2:56 A.M. EDT we will be more focused in our thoughts and plans. This is a moment to study exactly what we are doing and where our projects are headed. This is a quick moving transit and its effectives won’t be long lasting, but it is a good day to clean up any paperwork, examine your plans and set things in motion for the coming weeks. The Sun will square Pluto immediately following this sextile, so there will be underlying tension and a desire to get to the bottom of things. This sextile can help us keep a steady footing and if used properly work in a controlled and stable fashion.


On Monday October 14th at 3:34 A.M. EDT this powerful and demanding aspect can be very important. This is a day when we won’t accept superficial answers and will tend to dig deeply into any subject to uncover what lies underneath. This can be a difficult aspect and many people will not be prone to compromise. With so much Pluto and Scorpio energy this month that will be an ongoing theme in our lives and in the collective. It’s easy to be compulsive and unable to let go of things. While the depth of understanding that Pluto demands can be very productive, it can also create situations that we become stuck in and unable to move forward. Whatever comes to the surface now must be examined in an honest and direct fashion. But don’t get so caught up in the details or in your desire to completely tear something apart that you ignore other issues in your life. The obsession Pluto can create at times will just be distracting and counter-productive. Are you really learning something by nit-picking, or are you just so focused on a single thought that you can’t get out of your own way? Answer that question truthfully and you will use this square to your advantage. This may be a day when we hear some important news about the political struggle America is facing.



On Tuesday October 15th at 6:46 P.M. EDT this creative force will bring out the poet in us all. That doesn’t mean that you will suddenly sing like Adele or write like Robert Frost. We are all limited by our talents and the work we have done on them. But you can be expressive and creative today. You may write something rather profound or paint a picture that exceeds your usual attempts. This is also a good day to engage in all creativity and artistic ventures. See a show, go to a museum or rehearse that new play you’ve been working on. However you use this energy it will heighten your sensitivity to all things artistic.



On Saturday October 19th at 6:17 P.M. EDT we have a chance to delve into discussions and studies that are often difficult to work through. The sextiles and trines give us a chance to visit subjects that at other times are either hard to engage in or seem too trying. This is a day to converse with others about things that you may have kept buried for some time. If there’s something bothering you, you may find it easier to discuss and perhaps come to some conclusion that has eluded you. This is a quick moving transit and you won’t be able to solve the world’s (or all of your own) problems. Just pick one or two issues that you wish to examine and you will be happy with the results.


On Sunday October 20th at 9:58 A.M. EDT we have a chance to examine our closest relationships with a clear and direct eye. This isn’t the most enjoyable of transits, even though it is a positive sextile. Any combination of Saturn with Venus will have a bit of a heavy handedness about it. But it isn’t as harsh or limiting as the conjunct, opposition or square. Look over your connections and if there’s something that has been troubling you, this is a good time to express it and work through it. You won’t be overly fastidious and may be able to find compromise that will allow the relationship room to continue to grow.



On Monday October 21st at 3:41 P.M. EDT this very positive and expressive trine will allow us all a chance to be creative and generous. This is a day to open your heart and give of yourself freely and without restrictions. If someone needs your help try to be lavish with your support. We are all having a difficult time on this planet, and until we move on to the next one, we can use a hand sometimes. This is a very creative aspect and it favors all forms of art, music and writing.



On Wednesday October 23rd at 1:20 P.M. EDT we enter the fixed part of autumn when we harvest what we have sowed and begin to prepare for the long, cold winter. Each of the 12 signs has its role and purpose. The fixed signs can be very unyielding and at times feel limiting and even repressive. But their purpose is very clear and four times a year humanity comes to a place when we must settle in and examine what we have done during the past two monthly periods. Cardinal signs initiate and begin a process, mutable signs start the change into the next period, but the fixed signs are the time when we hunker down and lay down a structure and a foundation upon which the following mutable energy will feel secure enough to create an atmosphere of change.


On Sunday October 27th at 10:30 A.M. EDT this difficult and restrictive aspect completes right on the Dark of the Moon and it will represent the end of a cycle. Mars rules the ego, our basic energy level and the muscles in the body. Saturn, as you know, tends to restrict whatever it comes in contact with. As such we can expect this to be a few days when it’s difficult to express our egos and many will find it repressive and frustrating. There is a need to push the energy of Mars out of the body or it can backup and result in physical or psychological problems. When that energy is repressed, either in the natal chart or by transit or progression it’s like an infection that festers. Those who have this hard aspect in their natal charts often will experience a health issue involving the part of the body that correlates to the house that Mars rules. Now as we deal with this in transit it’s important to move your chi. Exercise carefully. I you overdo it under Saturn’s influence you could easily damage a muscle, joint or bone.


The next New Moon falls on Sunday October 27th at 11:38 P.M. EST at 4 degrees Scorpio 25 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.

Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.

The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:

September 29th 10:06 P.M. – September 30th 5:42 A.M.

October 2nd 5:46 A.M. – 7:44 A.M.

October 4th 3:34 A.M. – 1:43 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours

October 6th 7:25 P.M. – 11:42 P.M.

October 8th 2:27 P.M. – October 9th 12:05 P.M. ***Moon is void 22 hours

October 11th 5:55 A.M. – October 12th 12:46 A.M. ***Moon is void 19 hours

October 13th 5:59 P.M. – October 14th 12:24 P.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours

October 16th 4:37 A.M. – 10:30 P.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours

October 18th 10:14 P.M. – October 19th 6:43 A.M.

October 21st 8:39 A.M. – 12:29 P.M.

October 23rd 5:14 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.*** Moon is void 10 hours

October 25th 9:00 A.M. – 4:20 P.M. ***Moon is void 7 hours

October 27th 4:22 A.M. – 4:29 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

October 29th 1:34 P.M. – 5:58 P.M.

October 31st 10:29 A.M. – 10:38 P.M. ***Moon is void 12 hours

November 3rd 1:46 A.M. – 6:19 A.M.

September 2019

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