Pluto Goes Direct:

Pluto Goes Direct:


On Thursday October 3rd at 2:37 A.M. EDT a great change is beginning. As you know we are heading towards that Great Capricorn alignment that begins in earnest this January when Saturn conjuncts Pluto. But, as is the case with all outer planet aspects they begin to influence us months in advance, and we are already seeing the effects in the political stage and in many personal issues. Pluto demands a reckoning and its transits will bring things to the surface that have been buried or ignored for some time. The fact that the Democrats chose to begin impeachment proceedings just as Saturn and Pluto were preparing for reversal is an important fact. We can no longer accept certain things that we’ve been living with. This is going to be obvious in your personal life as well as in world events. With Mercury and Venus about to enter Scorpio the depths of this redirection will affect us all on an individual level. You must be willing to look at your issues with an open mind and a readiness to dig deeply and uncover what is happening behind the scenes. This can affect your relationships, finances and long-range plans. Take the time to examine your life and if something isn’t working out you must be able to let it go. But Pluto tends to be compulsive, and detaching isn’t the easiest thing to do. Keep that in mind as you look over your important issues and try your best to focus on those that have growth potential and can aid you in the long run. It’s one thing to step backwards; it’s another to fall into the quicksand you just climbed out of.


This reversal of Pluto will certainly increase the tension surrounding the impeachment proceedings. With Saturn and now Pluto both going direct and applying to the conjunct of these two planets in January we are heading into a confrontational period that will be profound and have lasting effects on our society. We can’t go through an impeachment without it influencing almost everything in our country. And with the world watching with “bated breath” (a phrase first used by Shakespeare in Merchant of Venice, BTW) and with so much on the line the importance of this situation cannot be overstated. We are heading towards a serious battle of wills and it won’t be very pretty. The truth will not stay buried much longer. In the coming weeks we will experience a cascade of knowledge, confrontation and change. No matter on which side of the political aisle you sit it will become very difficult to ignore this any longer. Expect many people to change their opinion about these proceedings, especially a number of Republicans. The pressure and severity of the charges will take their toll on many. Does this mean that Trump is removed from office? Time will tell. We have never in our history evicted a president. Remember, Nixon resigned rather than face the full fury of the Senate. But it does imply that Trump will be held accountable and have to answer directly to the American people for his actions. Stay tuned.