Venus Squares Pluto:

Venus Squares Pluto:

On Tuesday October 1st at 12:14 A.M. EDT this decidedly different Venus transit from the sextile to Jupiter we had on Saturday. This is a day when we all will be prone to examine our relationships and see where they are and aren’t working out. This can be a bit of a rough energy and if you’re having troubles in a close connection of any sort you may be wise to avoid direct confrontation. But if there’s something that absolutely must be worked through you probably won’t be able to sidestep it. This passes quickly, although the effects of any transit can linger for some time. Pluto is about to go direct on Thursday and many issues that have been buried or ignored will start to demand our attention. This square simply heralds that Plutonian change of energy and is an indicator of what we can expect in the next few months. This will be true in your personal life and, of course, in the political events unfolding.