Author’s Notes October 2019: Impeachment.

Author’s Notes October 2019: Impeachment.

ISSUE # 243
October 2019
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So we have entered a new era in American politics with the impending impeachment of Donald J. Trump. What exactly does this mean to our nation, the world and the Trump legacy?
The Saturn-Pluto conjunct in January at 22 degrees Capricorn will heavily affect America’s chart. It will inconjunct Mars at 21 degrees Gemini, and be close to the opposition to Mercury at 23 degrees Cancer. Both of these aspects imply power struggles and a deep desire to uncover what lies beneath the surface. The impeachment hearings, whatever you may think of them, are a manifestation of this energy and the need for the collective to bring out into the open what has been going on in the shadows. No matter on which side of the aisle you sit this has been a long period of hidden agendas and unspoken events, ideas and motivations. The whispering in closed rooms, the distractive shouting on social media and the inability to come to any conclusions that will satisfy either camp has led us to this point. There will be no easy solution and no quick resolution. Some believe that this is a mistake the Democrats are making, others that it is long overdue and requires that some action be taken to clear the air. In either case there is going to be a long protracted battle as one issue after another is revealed and discussed in the open. Forget about your usual TV shows, especially during the day. You may have to forego The Price Is Right at times. They will be periodically preempted by the hearings. While America is preoccupied with this the rest of the world will be watching intently to see how we handle this situation and if we can maintain a functioning government while that government is scrutinized and dissected.
What will the outcome be? Personally I believe that if they had just let things be Trump would have lost the 2020 election by a large majority. While I still think that will be the case, nobody can predict how the electorate will respond to this ongoing investigation. When they tried to impeach Bill Clinton his approval rating went up to 73%, the highest level of his presidency. Of course Nixon on the other hand saw his support plummet in a few short months and he left office with an approval rating of just 24%, so there’s no easy assumption. Trump’s ratings have remained virtually the same throughout his presidency. Will the staunch supporters circle around this embattled president, or turn tail and head for the door? Only time will tell. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see a number of Republican Senators and Congressmen start to step away. If there is a crack in the wall it may easily turn into a total collapse.
Here’s what the astrology says:
Transiting Saturn and Pluto are in opposition to Trump’s Venus-Saturn conjunct. They will continue to be in orb for the next year, through the 2020 election. This is not a positive set of transits, and it represents a severe struggle that will ensue for some time. Pluto offers power. If we handle it properly it will test us and make demands, but ultimately that power will be solidified. Saturn limits us, but its purpose is to shore up the foundation of whatever is being tested. With these two planets in close orb the results could go either way. It might mean an increase in the person’s power and stature, or it could result in a total breakdown of support and the undoing of the power structure. Much has to do with the enlightenment of the individual and how they go about using the energy. Trump is not a very enlightened person and I do not believe this will be a good period for him.
As many of you follow astrology know, Trump has a rather unique natal chart. He was born in Queens NY on June 14th 1946. There are several birth times being used by astrologers. I have always believed in the 10:54 A.M. time which gives him an Ascendant of 29 degrees Leo 55 minutes. There are a number of reasons that I use this time. I won’t go into them all now. I’ll cover them in future lectures and articles. But suffice to say that it puts Mars close to the ascendant and the fixed star Regulus (actually a binary system, or some astronomers think, even a 4 star cluster) falls exactly on that ascendant. Regulus has been studied since the Babylonians. It was used by the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and virtually all astrological societies. It is called the King Maker and considered a barer of implied greatness and high position. But on the Ascendant it has been interpreted as: “Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble. Benefits seldom last – the person shall die an unhappy death and all his honors, greatness and power shall at last suffer an eclipse”. I would say that we shall soon have another perspective for the argument about Trump’s birth time as the events unfold and we see just how this all ends.