New Moon in Libra:

New Moon in Libra:


The New Moon falls on Saturday September 28th at 2:26 P.M. EDT at 5 degrees Libra 20 minutes. Libra is known as the sign of relationships, especially marriage and intimate one-on-one encounters. This can include partnerships and a close encounter with your doctor, lawyer, accountant or astrologer. They are all 7th house issues, and this Venus ruled sign certainly has much to do with how we relate to each other. The next month will see much attention aimed at one-on-one relationships. With the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in this sign, and Mars coming in on October 4th just as Mercury moves on to Scorpio, we have a lot of energy in Libra and I will be discussing it all month. This is a time to look over your most important connections and ensure that they are heading in a direction that works for you. Libra has a reputation for not making up its mind too readily, and while that is true and they do not like direct confrontation, that doesn’t mean that this is a weak or passive sign. Libras can be extremely assertive in their own way. They don’t approach issues the same way that Aires, its opposite sign, does, but if you get into a conflict with a Libra you will find that they can be just as stubborn and feisty, and while they may not engage as aggressively, they also won’t be prone to back down. The Cardinal signs can all be rather assertive. Libra just does it in a roundabout way. For example, a Libra (or someone with powerful Libra energy in the chart) may have something to tell you and will call you on the phone for “a chat”. After an hour and a half of gossip and politics when you are just about to hang up they will let you know the real reason they called, especially if it’s something they feel might make you upset. They will get around to it eventually, but unlike Aires who tell you within the first 30 seconds what’s on their mind, the Libra energy prefers to circumvent the issue until they feel that you are sufficiently engaged and won’t overreact. While we are in the Libra Season you may be wise to wait until the time seems right and then drop your little bombshells. LOL


But while relationships are one of the main concerns there is another side to Libra. It is the sign of the scales, after all, and when you see a picture of “Justice”, blindfolded and undistracted, she is holding the scales of impartiality, as the law should be weighed not by design or sight but by precedent and, we hope, a sense of fairness. While Jupiter and the 9th house rule the higher courts, the 7th house rules the lower courts. The differentiation can be disputed and which crimes fall into which house is a matter of debate. But suffice to say that this New Moon joining the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Libra is having a powerful effect on our society. The House of Representatives has finally decided to begin impeachment proceedings against the President and we will all be drawn into the fray in the coming months. That is very much a 7th (and 9th) house issue. There won’t be any way to avoid it. Just how much you are willing to get sucked into the hearings, the squabbles and the anger is really up to you. If you’re a political junkie you will be glued to your devices listening to every interview and opinion. If not, you will still hear about it on the news, in coffee shops and over dinner. Be careful now. You don’t want to alienate important people whose views may differ from you own. But you will see the chasm dividing us grow ever wider. With Saturn now direct and Pluto about to turn around we are entering this drama with eyes wide open and an energy that will push until this is completed, no matter where it leads us.