Jupiter Squares Neptune:

Jupiter Squares Neptune:


On Saturday September 21st at 12:47 P.M. EDT this very important square completes for the last time. This is a powerful esoteric energy that will have several results. For one thing it can express our collective sense of charity and spirituality. With the state of the world at the moment there seems to be a severe lacking of any sort of compassion and many seem to be out only for their own rewards. The problem is that while Neptune wants to be charitable and giving it isn’t based in the real world as much as we may think. And Jupiter being the ancient ruler of Pisces while Neptune is the modern ruler, Jupiter also isn’t all that clear about boundaries and responsibilities. This square isn’t the most realistic energy and it’s easy to get caught up in illusions and misdirection each of these planets can convey. It’s important to keep a clear head as this applies and not to believe everything you hear or see. Test the situation any way you can and demand some serious and real answers before you get caught up in a half-baked scheme. You could be very disappointed in the results and it could wind up costing you more that you bargained for. If this energy is used properly it can be very esoteric and you could reach a level of understanding that transcends the physical plane. A spiritual awakening or a deep insight into the workings of the universe is certainly possible. Just keep the ethereal and the material separate and remember the old saying: A fool and his money are soon parted. That can also be true about your dreams, your goals or your heart. Any way that you can help others or add your energy to a move by the collective towards a more charitable resolution will be a great gift to the world and to yourself. You will gain much more than you give, but again don’t assume everyone wearing a turban is a great spiritual teacher.


The march for climate change that took place Friday September 20th is a perfect example of the most wondrous side of this aspect. It was an example of the highest order of faith and hope expanded, as is Jupiter’s way, across the planet. Millions upon millions of humans have a real desire to stop the madness and redirect our species towards the healing and away from the destructing. Will it do any good? That depends with how much follow through there is in elections and a collective force demanding action. With so many involved in so many countries can climate change still be denied? Well, look at those in power here in America, in Brazil, in Japan, in Russia and across the globe and you will see the problem with the hard aspect between Jupiter and Neptune. While it has the best of intentions and can be a powerful drive for restorative energy and faith, it must deal with the reality of where the real power lies. Unless we take a more saturnine approach and take that power and put it in the hands of those who are not driven solely by short-term profits and greed it will fade away as so many other movements have throughout human history. PLEASE don’t let that happen. March, write, call, and more than anything else – vote. Change the power structure and you can change the world. My deepest wish is for a true and sustainable spiritual revolution. I’ve been waiting for it for a long, long time.