Saturn Goes Direct:

Saturn Goes Direct:


On Wednesday September 18th at 4:47 A.M. EDT Saturn finally reverses direction and begins its forward motion once again. For the past four months this planet has been in retrograde and much of our energy that is geared towards financial stability and worldly success has been internalized. Many business plans may have been delayed or you may have discovered that something wasn’t going in the direction you had planned. Now this most materialistic of planets is once again aiming its attention out into the world and some issues that have been held back should begin to move forward anew. Anything that has been delayed on a professional level probably needed to wait until this reversal. We can’t always see what’s happening in the undercurrent and postponements can be very frustrating. But after time has passed and we see the end results we often can look back and thank the heavens for the very delay that was causing the angst. Show a little faith, there’s magic in the night…


We will now all be forced to face certain realities in our lives. This will be effective on a personal and a collective level. The truth about some issues that we’ve been able to avoid or interpret to suit our desires will now become obvious and demand an answer. As is Saturn’s nature there is little room for frivolity. In the political arena this will be even more apparent. This turnaround will seriously sift through the Democratic presidential hopefuls as many of this crowded field will no longer be able to continue the charade of relevance and will drift off into the sunset. We will soon be down to a few serious choices and then Saturn will do its job and present the final showdown. This change of direction will also have a powerful effect on the economy and some hitherto secrets about the underbelly of the world’s financial situation will come out. Be prepared. We are certainly heading towards a meltdown, as I’ve been saying for some time, and it’s getting closer. We will soon see that the collective debt has become untenable and is weighing us down. Deep breath. Find your inner strength. This isn’t the time to fall apart, but rather a time to seek real decisions and prepare.