Venus Enters Libra:

Venus Enters Libra:


On Saturday September 14th at 9:43 A.M. EDT until October 8th at 1:06 P.M. EDT Venus will travel through this sign of its rulership. This is a great placement that will give us all a sense of balance and focus, especially in our most intimate relationships with friends, partners and a significant other. There is a strong desire to get along with others and that will be an underlying force for the next month. Most people will not want to fight or give in to unnecessary disputes. But while Venus does prefer not to be combative, Libra is not a passive sign. It’s passive-aggressive and will eventually push back if the other person is too aggressive. Mostly it will seek a way to circumvent direction confrontation while still achieving its goal. This is a time to expand your relationships and to balance your personal and professional life. Use it well and this month should be very productive. The Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn) are the initiators of the zodiac and more than anything else want to move things towards their ultimate goal. That’s why the first day of each cardinal sign is the first day of each season. Move ahead and take some steps towards the finish line.