Mercury Enters Libra:

Mercury Enters Libra:


On Saturday September 14th at 3:15 A.M. EDT until Thursday October 3rd at 4:15 A.M. EDT Mercury will travel through this air sign. Libra is all about relationships and when Mercury is transiting here there is a strong desire to talk to your mate and try to understand their motivation in a purely intellectual way. Of course nothing involving our relationships and emotional connections is completely rational or logical. That’s an oxymoron. But with Mercury traveling here we are certainly aiming our attention at clarity and honesty in relationships. With Venus about to enter Libra today as well we are entering a period when all relationships will be in the forefront of our thoughts and the energy we spend to ensure that they are strong and working well for us will be rewarding. But as I said above, this sign tends to be a little wishy-washy and doesn’t like to make decisions, especially if they are permanent. Be willing to bend and leave the door open for a change of opinion and direction. You were all set for Italian and now discover that the reservation has been changed to Chinese. Let it go and enjoy the egg rolls.

So, Mercury in Libra should bring honesty in relationships, because Libra is about relationships and Mercury about honesty? I kind of though of Mercury as being agile, and not necessary a stickler for truth (Pres. T. comes to mind). And for some reason, for me, it’s been Libran friends who have preferred fiction to fact. For the longest time I figured it was just a Libra thing, even though I’ve never read anything to suggest that (but I have known an Aquarian or two to display a preference for embellishment or outright fiction too, it’s true). Now I wonder if it’s just the make-up of my chart that attracts Libras with that particular characteristic.
Thanks for the insights,