Full Moon in Pisces:

Full Moon in Pisces:

Today we will see a major shift in energies. We have the Full Moon in Pisces, and Mercury & Venus entering Libra. This change of energy will begin the next phase of our yearly development as we begin to move away from picky Virgo and into non-committal Libra. While Libra energy does tend to be a bit easier to work with it all depends on what exactly you are looking for. If it’s a clear and concise opinion, direction or decision you may miss that Virgo force. Out of the frying pan…


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Saturday September 14th at 12:33 A.M. EST at 21 degrees Pisces 05 minutes. The Pisces Full Moon can be quite a confusing time when you are trying to use logic in an illogical situation. It’s not unlike trying to figure out what Trump will do next. The energy this entails will last about 2 ½ weeks until the next New Moon and you need to keep your eyes open. Some issues that arise now may not be quite what they seem. Try to clarify anything that is giving you some doubt. If you handle this correctly you can avoid most problems. On another level Pisces is all about spirituality and trying to help others. It isn’t always the easiest sign to deal with, and there is often difficulty figuring out what is spiritual and what is just hokum. There are many people who claim to be teachers, sages and mystics. Some truly are and can help lead you to a better reality and understanding of what your path and purpose are. But many are either self-deluded or con artists. We are looking for a clear direction now and if you can get in touch with your inner self and stay clear and honest you can move towards your soul’s goal.

While this is perhaps the least realistic of all the signs, it puts us in touch with our inner self and offers an opportunity to explore the undercurrent and to eliminate many layers of B.S. and get to the heart of the matter. It has much to do with the attitude you have when approaching this energy. If you are too saturnine and demand nuts & bolts answers to the questions of life, love and the pursuit of goodies you will be disappointed in the results. But if you can let go of your need for rigid structure and open your mind, heart and soul to the unseen possibilities this can be a very fulfilling and enlightening moment. Pisces rules infections and the ingestion of all chemicals. Some may have a bad reaction to food or some unknown agent. If there is something wrong in your body and this full moon happens to hit your chart just so, it may come to the surface now. A little caution in what you digest would be wise.