The Sun Squares Jupiter:

The Sun Squares Jupiter:


On Sunday September 8th at 11:27 A.M. EDT we will all have a desire for growth and new information. This is a very optimistic and enthusiastic energy and it can work to your advantage. This can be a very positive aspect as long as you pay heed to certain things. As with most Jupiter transits there is little regard for boundaries of any sort. It takes on the attitude that there are no limitations and no reason not to expand as far as possible. Of course that can lead to some difficulties. While you may be able to handle a great deal while this aspect is applying, once it completes you will find it hard to juggle all of the promises and obligations you have taken on. This is a sociable aspect and a time to enjoy the company of others, but you must keep things in perspective. Use this transit to see the bigger picture and look for new ways of approaching your problems and challenges. The far-sightedness of Jupiter can help lead you further down your path and this planet does rule long journeys. It can be quite helpful in breaking you free from the usual restrictions and you may be able to move beyond the limitations you’ve come to accept. But Jupiter isn’t terribly concerned with the little things and you must pay attention to the details or problems may ensue down the line in the plans and projects you are trying to push forward. Take the time to examine your ideas carefully and stay within the structure of what your natal Saturn requires. Then you will have long lasting success. The balance between growth and foundation, what astrologers call Jupiter & Saturn, is the formula for your greatest achievements. Remember, in music it is those who have studied the rules and mastered their basic skills who reach the highest form of improvisation. I have found that the adage usually attributed to Thomas Edison: “Genius is 1 % inspiration and 99% perspiration” has always proven correct. The only shortcut in life is hard work. Today we can view the potential of that 1%. Use it properly and you will have your work cut out for you in the coming months.