Mercury Squares Jupiter:

Mercury Squares Jupiter:


On Friday September 6th at 3:11 A.M. EDT this very chatty aspect will complete. Because this occurs very early in the morning its effects will be felt most strongly the night before. This can be a very pleasant and exciting aspect, but it does come with a word of advice. There is a tendency to overstate things or to accept whatever someone tells you as the truth. Jupiter has little regard for boundaries and it’s more concerned with making big statements and saying as much as you can with no limitations. That’s not the most realistic approach to communications and it can result in fibbing and making promises you cannot keep. With a little restraint this can be a very sociable and enjoyable day. The Sun will trine Saturn this evening and that will help put a foundation of realism beneath that will make it easier to recognize what’s real and what isn’t. If you travel on Thursday or Friday you must double check your plans and directions, and pay close attention to what you’re doing, especially behind the wheel of a car. It’s easy for Jupiter to distract you and mistakes or accidents are possible if you don’t watch out.