September 2019
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
This month we have a lot of inner planet to outer planet connections. There will be a powerful sense of the individual’s interaction with the collective and an underlying feeling that some things are truly out of our control. That actually is exactly what is going on. At this writing we are seeing a major hurricane approach Florida, and some are predicting a force 3 or even 4 storm, which could have devastating effects. I hope that isn’t the case and that it either weakens or veers off into the Atlantic.
No matter what happens with this storm this is going to be a month when it feels as though our karma is out of our reach. Normally we have only so much control over our destiny anyway. The universe often puts things in our way that prevent us from what we like to call free-will. But still we have the notion that we can pick and choose our direction and have some control. But when the inner planets and the outer planets are intertwined as they will be most of this coming month there is less of that atmosphere and it’s most important that we stay flexible and conscious of our immediate environment so we can react quickly and decisively. The energy will change radically from day to day and the events that we face will demand that we make decisions fast and without much time for consideration.
I am still convinced that we are heading into a deep debt-fueled recession and stock crash in 2020-2021. My lecture about the markets is available on my website if you’d like to see my research.
The New Moon falls on Friday August 30th at 6:37 A.M. EDT at 6 degrees Virgo 47 minutes. This New Moon amplifies the already rather intense Virgo energy we are experiencing. With the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars already in the mutable earth sign we now have the lunar cycle starting here as well. This will be a month of details and focus. This is a period when we all should be reviewing the work we’ve been doing and double checking it for errors and omissions. This is an opportunity to make adjustments and repair things before they get out of hand. It’s a good time for communication, especially in personal relationships, and you should try to express yourself to your closest people, whether it’s a good friend, business associate or significant other. Virgo rules nursing and this will also be a period when we can address any health issues or continue the healing process if you have recently been ill or had an operation. Pay close attention to your diet and your healing regime, even if you haven’t been ill. This is a chance to view your overall physical and psychological state and to fix whatever isn’t working. Following the New Moon this Moon will conjunct Mars & Venus. It will then aspect Saturn, Jupiter and oppose Neptune, so this will be a day of changing moods and a lot of emotions. Don’t get caught up in every little thing. Aim your attention at the most important issues. Virgo is an earth sign after all, and it has the desire to build and aim towards the future. As this month progresses we will see a plethora of transits between the inner and outer planets. This implies that much activity will take place in September that seems to be out of our individual control. Issues involving the collective will affect us all on a much more personal level. While this will offer us an opportunity to examine what the world is going through and how it can impact us individually it also means that we must take some care to ensure that we aren’t swept up in something beyond our control and that the decisions we make are to our best advantage. Virgo is a very useful and intrinsically good energy and its underlying purpose is to help heal whatever needs it. But it is mutable earth, one of the concepts that are difficult to comprehend just like fixed air and fixed fire. What exactly is mutable earth? Perhaps mudslides or a shifting of the foundation? But in astrology it implies that this is the one earth sign that can be changed more readily than the other two and it has the ability to bend with new information and a differing opinion. Take that into consideration this month as you approach others with your ideas. They may be more willing to listen than you think.
On Sunday September 1st at 10:10 A.M. this very active mental aspect will combine the lower and higher octaves of the intellect in a positive trine that will offer us all a day or so when we can explore new ideas and communicate in an exciting and unusual way. I often define these two planets this way: Mercury rules the RAM of the computer (Brain), and Uranus rules the hard drive. When they are in aspect there is a connection between the two parts of the brain that can lead to exciting and unusual ideas and conversations. Look for some stimulating people and events today. You may be surprised by what you discover. This is also a good aspect for any travel. You may venture off the beaten track and uncover a hidden cove or the road less traveled. And that might make all the difference. Stay busy and keep your eyes and your mind open.
On Sunday September 1st at 2:48 P.M. EDT we will all be more realistic and honest about our relationships and tend to examine them with a clear eye and direct approach. This isn’t a very flamboyant transit, and it won’t be terribly exciting. But it does offer us all a chance to clarify things and to strengthen the foundation under our closest connections. This is also a good day to examine your finances and put together a budget. Because this closely follows the more exciting Mercury trine Uranus and precedes the energetic Sun conjunct Mars this may be livelier than this combination usually implies. But this is a few hours when you will be apt to settle down and think things through.
On Monday September 2nd at 6:43 A.M. EDT we all must be careful and take heed not to act out unconsciously. This can be a very productive day when you can get a lot accomplished as long as you focus your attention into positive projects and events. This is a high energy few days and with some care it will be very productive. But Mars rules the ego and the Sun rules the will. When these two get together it’s very easy to overreact or lash out at the slightest disagreement. Arguments are certainly possible, and at its worst it can result in a physical altercation or an accident. But if you project this where it will be useful you can avoid most difficulties. The more aware you are of your own feelings the better you can handle this in a proper manner. Anger and frustration can be side-effects, and if you aren’t paying attention to your emotions you could be set off by someone or something in your environment. If you are feeling angry, you must admit it and find some way of pushing it out. Physical exercise of any sort will help. Hard mental work will also be useful, but I’ve found that it’s necessary to use your muscles when Mars is around. It’s not enough to sit at a computer all day. That can actually become even more frustrating as the hours pass and you aren’t truly releasing the pent up tension. A little care will go a long way and if you do stay busy and focused you will be amazed at how much you can achieve in a few days. If not, you may be equally amazed at how many people can piss you off. With Mercury about to conjunct Mars tomorrow as well it’s a few days when you should be paying attention to how you’re feeling.
On Monday September 2nd at 12:26 P.M. EDT this very pleasant and easy going aspect will come on the heels of the Sun conjunct Mars. As this aspect takes over the atmosphere will become less anxious and you may find that your energy level has become much less intense. This square can actually make you feel lazy and disinterested in doing much. It’s a very sociable transit and you may wish to spend time with close people or enjoying any form of entertainment. Good food and drink are very much a desire of this combination, just don’t overdo it. It’s easy to indulge too much and you could regret it later on. Mercury will conjunct Mars tomorrow and there is still a lot of feistiness in the air, so even though this square may make you a bit lethargic don’t be fooled. Arguments and stress are still part of the mixture so continue to be alert.
On Tuesday September 3rd at 11:40 A.M. EDT we will all be speaking in a more direct and possibly harsher tone than we realize. There’s a lot to say and most of us will be more than willing to say it. As with many Mars transits some caution and awareness is called for. This is an argument waiting to happen. Because Mars rules the ego and Mercury controls how we communicate it’s obviously a day when many people can be set off by the smallest slight or dispute. Try not to take the bait. Stay mentally busy and aim this excessive energy into projects and hard work and you will be happy with the results. This conjunct can bring up any anger or frustration you are feeling so stay in touch with your emotions and be honest about them. Use caution especially when traveling. If you are feeling some tension you must admit it and act accordingly. Most accidents are a result of unexpressed anger and stress. If you aren’t paying attention you could lose your temper and act out in a rash or compulsive manner, which could result in a mishap. This is a day of very intense mental activity and you need to find ways to direct that energy so it doesn’t seep out and created problems. This is followed tonight by the Sun conjunct Mercury, another high level mental aspect so stay alert.
On Tuesday September 3rd at 9:40 P.M. EDT we will continue the high energy mental energy that has been active the past few days. This is a day of some willfulness when many people will be unyielding and not able to easily compromise. This coincides with Mercury conjunct Mars mentioned above and it will add even more fuel to any arguments or disagreements. Most spats aren’t worth your time and effort, but with some much energy pushing Mercury you may not be able to avoid them all. Just keep in mind that you are probably supersensitive now and may be responding more to the underlying energy than to what you personally are feeling. If something is necessary to discuss, you will certainly be up to the challenge. But responding to every word, text or insult will only waste your time that could be better used projecting this into paperwork. But don’t just sit around in front of a computer. This is an active aspect that does best when you remain vigorous and find physical ways of expressing it.
On Wednesday September 4th at 7:27 A.M. EDT there may be some confusion in many relationships. This can be a very difficult aspect under which to express yourself or look for clarity. All oppositions work through other people. Where the conjunct and square can be self-contained, this one demands that you play one role and another person plays the other. In some ways the opposition can be the most difficult of all the Ptolemaic aspects as you have no control over what the other person might do. One of the potentially difficult sides of this aspect is that someone may not be showing their true self to you and you could be deceived. If someone new has entered your life recently I would suggest that you give the relationship some time to prove itself before committing too much to it. This can also bring someone into your circle that is very spiritual and bring you some important life lessons. Is that person deceptive or a guru? That’s the real question. And you may not be able to answer it quickly and certainly not while this aspect is in play. Wait a few days and look it over. You may have more clarity once this passes. If your own transits are heavily Neptunian now I would be very careful and ask the advice of someone you trust. But of course that would be true in general under a Neptune transit anyway. Use a bit of caution and you can enjoy this aspect for what it offers, which is a day untethered to the restrictions of reality. As long as you pay heed to the warnings mentioned above it might be a pleasant trip to Neverland.
On Thursday September 5th at 8:37 A.M. EDT we will all be very focused and realistic in our thinking. This is a good day or two to examine what’s going on in your relationships, business and other endeavors. You have a clear idea of what you wish to accomplish and can express it easily. This is a good time for any important conversation and for getting your facts in order. We will all tend to be more careful and concise in our thinking and should be able to ferret out the truth. Tomorrow when Mercury is in square to Jupiter that will be less likely, so use this aspect today to put things in place and get your foundation solidified.
On Friday September 6th at 3:11 A.M. EDT this very chatty aspect will complete. Because this occurs very early in the morning its effects will be felt most strongly the night before. This can be a very pleasant and exciting aspect, but it does come with a word of advice. There is a tendency to overstate things or to accept whatever someone tells you as the truth. Jupiter has little regard for boundaries and it’s more concerned with making big statements and saying as much as you can with no limitations. That’s not the most realistic approach to communications and it can result in fibbing and making promises you cannot keep. With a little restraint this can be a very sociable and enjoyable day. The Sun will trine Saturn this evening and that will help put a foundation of realism beneath that will make it easier to recognize what’s real and what isn’t. If you travel on Thursday or Friday you must double check your plans and directions, and pay close attention to what you’re doing, especially behind the wheel of a car. It’s easy for Jupiter to distract you and mistakes or accidents are possible if you don’t watch out.
On Friday September 6th at 5:56 P.M. EDT a very realistic attitude will prevail. This isn’t a time to try and pull the wool over someone’s eyes. It’s about completions and setting the record straight. Because it comes on the heels of Mercury square Jupiter you may be dealing with some situations that don’t seem based in reality. That is very possibly true. If so, this is a time to review them and make certain that you know exactly what you have agreed to and what you’re capable of accomplishing. You may have made promises that you now recognize aren’t that easy to fulfill. This trine makes it a good time to discuss things in an honest and hope fashion. Lay down ground rules and put your plans into action. You have a better sense of where your foundation lies and can move your projects and plans forward in a concise and steady manner.
On Saturday September 7th at 3:19 A.M. EDT this very confusing and distracting aspect will make it difficult to see things clearly and to get to the truth. You may find that some people are representing themselves dishonestly and that some plans and schemes simply aren’t based in reality. Don’t accept things at face value or be distracted by illusions. You need to dig out the truth and question exactly what is happening. This is not a good day or two for negotiations or for completing or signing important papers. They may contain mistakes or, more ominously, a misrepresentation of what the end results would produce. All papers and communications must be scrutinized carefully or you might regret your decision. When traveling use extra care. It’s very possible to miss understand directions or be so distracted that you could have a mishap.
On Sunday September 8th at 11:27 A.M. EDT we will all have a desire for growth and new information. This is a very optimistic and enthusiastic energy and it can work to your advantage. This can be a very positive aspect as long as you pay heed to certain things. As with most Jupiter transits there is little regard for boundaries of any sort. It takes on the attitude that there are no limitations and no reason not to expand as far as possible. Of course that can lead to some difficulties. While you may be able to handle a great deal while this aspect is applying, once it completes you will find it hard to juggle all of the promises and obligations you have taken on. This is a sociable aspect and a time to enjoy the company of others, but you must keep things in perspective.
On Sunday September 8th at 11:07 P.M. EDT this positive and very affective trine will allow us a chance to uncover what’s going on in the undercurrent and to bring things to light. This is a very good aspect for discussing anything that is normally difficult to explore. People will be more apt to open up and show their true colors. Secrets can be revealed without the usual embarrassment. On September 26th when Mercury is in square to Pluto this same energy will return, but in a much harsher and more difficult format. If you deal with this properly now it will be much easier in a few weeks when that square presents itself.
On Monday September 9th at 12:13 A.M. EDT it will be easy to focus our attention on work and all obligations. Our energy can be aimed where it will do the most good and we should be able to accomplish much in a short few days. This isn’t a terribly active or flashy transit. In fact is can be considered down right dull. But its purpose isn’t to be exciting or overly dramatic. Rather it’s a moment to deal with obligations and to repress your ego in a good way so you can get a lot of grunt work done and not be easily distracted.
On Tuesday September 10th at 3:24 A.M. EDT this very confusing and uncomfortable energy completes. It will be felt most strongly on Monday as it applies, but its effect will linger for the rest of Tuesday as well. This can be a day of untruth and distraction when you find it difficult to focus on the important issues. You may get bogged down in something that just isn’t worth your efforts but you may not see it clearly and could find it difficult to extricate yourself from the situation. It’s hard to ferret out the truth about things and that can affect us in a number of ways. Do your best to see through Neptune’s fog and clarify whatever you aren’t sure about. Just don’t expect people to be always telling you the facts. This is a low energy transit and many people will feel that especially if it hits your chart. This is usually a bad day or two for the stock markets.
On Thursday September 12th at 5:06 A.M. EDT this adventurous aspect will come along. This is another Jupiter aspect that will challenge our ability to keep things in perspective. Because so many of the inner planets are transiting Virgo they will aspect the outer planets in order and each will revisit some of the same issues several times this month. This can be a very exciting day when you feel as though you can accomplish almost anything. But it comes with a warning. If you take on too much you won’t be able to handle it for very long. Too many promises or too busy a schedule will stifle you and force you to renege on some of those promises. This is a very active and busy aspect and we will all find ourselves with much to do and a lot to juggle at the same time. Physical activities of all sorts are favored. We need to use our muscles and not just our minds. Caution is called for when being active, as it’s easy to get over-confident and either strain the body or under certain circumstances, experience an accident. That would most likely take place if this hits your personal chart. But do be careful and remember that Mars rules the ego and when it’s in hard aspect to Jupiter there is no regard for limitations or normal restrictions. Acting out in an arrogant or overbearing manner is very possible and we all need to be careful not to be too aggressive or demanding.
On Friday September 13th at 11:12 A.M. EDT it will be easy to communicate your feelings to others and you will find that all conversations are quite pleasurable. This isn’t a very powerful aspect but it does lend itself to social interaction and conversations. This is a good day for getting together with others. This very easy-going aspect makes us all feel light-hearted and we won’t want to argue about anything. The Sun trine Pluto that follows this afternoon is also a positive and fairly easy transit. While that trine will tend to make us want to dig a bit deeper into a subject, it is a productive and unchallenging energy and the combination will give us a day when we can talk about things that matter without much fear of disagreement.
On Friday September 13th at 3:38 P.M. EDT we have an opportunity to dig into any subject or relationship and uncover what’s going on in the undercurrent. This is a positive aspect and one that will allow us to do this without much resistance. But still you are apt to bring some things to the surface that aren’t easy to incorporate and some secrets may be revealed. Tread lightly. Don’t be afraid to dig into things. That’s what this aspect is all about. And because it is a positive trine you should be able to do so without too much stress. But recognize that some things that are fine for you to uncover might make someone else uncomfortable or edgy.
This month’s lunar peak occurs on Saturday September 14th at 12:33 A.M. EST at 21 degrees Pisces 05 minutes. The Pisces Full Moon can be quite a confusing time when you are trying to use logic in an illogical situation. It’s not unlike trying to figure out what Trump will do next. The energy this entails will last about 2 ½ weeks until the next New Moon and you need to keep your eyes open. Some issues that arise now may not be quite what they seem. Try to clarify anything that is giving you some doubt. If you handle this correctly you can avoid most problems. On another level Pisces is all about spirituality and trying to help others. It isn’t always the easiest sign to deal with, and there is often difficulty figuring out what is spiritual and what is just hokum. There are many people who claim to be teachers, sages and mystics. Some truly are and can help lead you to a better reality and understanding of what your path and purpose are. But many are either self-deluded or con artists. We are looking for a clear direction now and if you can get in touch with your inner self and stay clear and honest you can move towards your soul’s goal.
On Saturday September 14th at 3:15 A.M. EDT until Thursday October 3rd at 4:15 A.M. EDT Mercury will travel through this air sign. Libra is all about relationships and when Mercury is transiting here there is a strong desire to talk to your mate and try to understand their motivation in a purely intellectual way. Of course nothing involving our relationships and emotional connections is completely rational or logical. That’s an oxymoron. But with Mercury traveling here we are certainly aiming our attention at clarity and honesty in relationships. With Venus about to enter Libra today as well we are entering a period when all relationships will be in the forefront of our thoughts and the energy we spend to ensure that they are strong and working well for us will be rewarding.
On Saturday September 14th at 9:43 A.M. EDT until October 8th at 1:06 P.M. EDT Venus will travel through this sign of its rulership. This is a great placement that will give us all a sense of balance and focus, especially in our most intimate relationships with friends, partners and a significant other. There is a strong desire to get along with others and that will be an underlying force for the next month. Most people will not want to fight or give in to unnecessary disputes. But where Venus does prefer not to be combative, Libra is not a passive sign. It’s passive-aggressive and will eventually push back if the other person is too aggressive. This is a time to expand your relationships and to balance your personal and professional life.
On Wednesday September 18th at 4:47 A.M. EDT Saturn finally reverses direction and begins its forward motion once again. For the past months this planet has been in retrograde and much of our energy that is geared towards financial stability and success has been internalized. Many business plans may have been delayed or you may have discovered that something wasn’t going in the direction you had planned. Now this most materialistic of planets is once again aiming its attention out into the world and some issues that have been held back should begin to move forward once again. Anything that has been delayed on a professional level probably needed to wait until this turnaround. We can’t always see what’s happening in the undercurrent and postponements can be very frustrating. But after time has passed and we see the end results we often can look back and thank the heavens for the very delay that was causing the angst. Show a little faith, there’s magic in the night…
On Thursday September 19th at 11:49 A.M. EDT it will be easier to work with others towards a common goal. This is a day or two when any projects that offer rewards for everyone involved will do quite well. This isn’t a time to be overly selfish or to take credit for something others had a hand in. If you share the good fortune and success with all you will do well and should reach a higher level of accomplishment. Your ego is in good shape and you can lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. While this is a very ambitious energy and we all will be trying to achieve as much as possible don’t let that ambition blind you to a higher calling.
On Saturday September 21st at 12:47 P.M. EDT this very important square completes for the last time. This is a powerful esoteric energy that will have several results. For one thing it can express our collective sense of charity and spirituality. With the state of the world at the moment there seems to be a severe lacking of any sort of compassion and many seem to be out only for their own rewards. The problem is that while Neptune wants to be charitable and giving it isn’t based in the real world as much as we may think. And Jupiter being the ancient ruler of Pisces while Neptune is the modern ruler, Jupiter also isn’t all that clear about boundaries and responsibilities. This square isn’t the most realistic energy and it’s easy to get caught up in illusions and misdirection each of these planets can convey. It’s important to keep a clear head as this applies and not to believe everything you hear or see. Test the situation any way you can and demand some serious and real answers before you get caught up in a half-baked scheme. You could be very disappointed in the results and it could wind up costing you more that you bargained for. If this energy is used properly it can be very esoteric and you could reach a level of understanding that transcends the physical plane. A spiritual awakening or a deep insight into the workings of the universe is certainly possible. Just keep the ethereal and the material separate and remember the old saying: A fool and his money are soon parted. Any way that you can help others or add your energy to a move by the collective towards a more charitable resolution will be a great gift to the world and to yourself. You will gain much more than you give, but again don’t assume everyone wearing a turban is a great spiritual teacher.
On Sunday September 22nd at 12:19 P.M. EDT a strong sense of responsibility and a need for structure and serenity will prevail today. We will all be focused on our obligations and you may feel somewhat limited in your actions. This can be a tiring aspect and you might feel the need to nap at some point. If so, just take a short break and give your mind a rest. This isn’t a very sociable or outgoing transit and many people might prefer to spend some time alone. That’s okay. Take a long walk or just put your feet up and unwind. This isn’t a day for a first date or an important presentation. You might not have your usual oomph and could come across a bit dour. But it is a good day to get work done or to have an important conversation about commitments and to come to terms with someone regarding what you each need from a relationship or a project.
On Monday September 23rd at 3:51 A.M. EDT we begin autumn as the Sun enters the cardinal air sign. For those who study astrology you know that each of the seasons begins when the Sun enters the four cardinal signs. There is much more astrology in our society than most realize. It’s all over the place and we have built much of our culture on the placement of the planets and stars. Now we are entering the sing most associated with relationships and intimate connections. This is a month when we all will be concerned with our closest people and how best to reach them. If you are having difficulties with someone and feel the relationship is worth the effort you should try to find common ground. Libra is well known for seeking compromise. It is the sign of the scales, after all, and balance and equilibrium is its main desire. If a relationship has become too unbalanced and you aren’t able to repair it, or if the two of you are truly heading down different paths, it would be best to accept that and move on. I believe in trying to fix something when it is possible to do so. But sometimes the best way to heal is to say goodbye. This month you may discover which the truth is. We will tend to be sociable and outgoing and spending time with close people is what Libra is all about.
On Tuesday September 24th at 5:01 P.M. EDT this very pleasant and chatty aspect will give us all a day when communications of all sorts will be light-hearted and expressive. This is a good day for any conversations and for reconnecting with those you may have lost touch with lately. There will be a tendency to want to talk about almost anything, and if you have some secrets you’d like to keep to yourself be careful who you chat with and how much you allow in public. You may say more than you planned to. This favors all travel and you should enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Get out and see the world. Whether you take a trip to Vermont or just a long walk through the park you will gain much from the expedition. This is a day to expand your consciousness in any way you can, so open your eyes and go see what the universe has in store for you.
On Wednesday September 25th at 3:19 P.M. EDT we will have a day or so when there will be little interest in frivolous interactions. This is a day to examine your closest connections and see where you need to make some changes in order to solidify the relationship. It’s not a day for parties or for wasting time. It would be better used shoring up your work and your commitments. This is also a good day for financial matters. You are quite realistic and can look over your budgets and plans to make sure they are working out and that you haven’t overlooked some important expense or future obligation.
On Thursday September 26th at 7:49 P.M. EDT this intense and delving aspect will demand our attention and force us all to focus on the most pressing issues in our lives. This isn’t a day when we will be satisfied with superficial answers to our questions. There’s a real need to dig deeply into any subject or relationship and uncover the truth buried beneath the surface. There is a tendency to become obsessed with an idea or problem, and compulsive behavior is quite possible, but try not to let that happen. Arguments are also very common with this square and it may not be easy to back away or find compromise. If that’s the case you may be better off just letting it go for a few days and then trying to revisit it after this has passed.
The next New Moon falls on Saturday September 28th at 2:26 P.M. EST at 5 degrees Libra 20 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time:
August 31st 4:46 A.M. – 7:08 P.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours
September 2nd 4:33 A.M. – 7:35 P.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours
September 4th 6:58 A.M. – 11:08 P.M. ***Moon is void 17 hours
September 6th 12:08 P.M. – September 7th 6:37 A.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours
September 9th 4:30 A.M. – 5:24 P.M. ***Moon is void 13 hours
September 11th 1:22 A.M. – September 12th 5:52 A.M. ***Moon is void 28 hours
September 14th 12:33 A.M. – 6:32 P.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours
September 16th 12:02 P.M. – September 17th 6:31 A.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours
September 19th 9:57 A.M. – 4:58 P.M.
September 21st 10:41 P.M. – September 22nd 12:50 A.M.
September 23rd 6:05 P.M. – September 24th 5:19 A.M.
September 25th 12:14 P.M. – September 26th 6:37 A.M.
September 27th 11:58 P.M. – September 28th 6:03 A.M.
September 29th 10:06 P.M. – September 30th 5:42 A.M.
October 2nd 5:46 A.M. – 7:44 A.M.
October 4th 3:44 A.M. – 1:43 P.M. ***Moon is void 10 hours
September 2019
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