Mercury Trines Uranus:

Mercury Trines Uranus:


On Sunday September 1st at 10:10 A.M. this very active mental aspect will combine the lower and higher octaves of the intellect in a positive trine that will offer us all a day or so when we can explore new ideas and communicate in an exciting and unusual way. I often define these two planets this way: Mercury rules the RAM of the computer (Brain), and Uranus rules the hard drive. When they are in aspect there is a connection between the two parts of the brain that can lead to exciting and unusual ideas and conversations. Look for some stimulating people and events today. You may be surprised by what you discover. This is also a good aspect for any travel. You may venture off the beaten track and uncover a hidden cove or the road less traveled. And that might make all the difference. Stay busy and keep your eyes and your mind open.