New Moon in Virgo:

New Moon in Virgo:


The New Moon falls on Friday August 30th at 6:37 A.M. EDT at 6 degrees Virgo 47 minutes. This New Moon amplifies the already rather intense Virgo energy we are experiencing. With the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars already in the mutable earth sign we now have the lunar cycle starting here as well. This will be a month of details and focus. This is a period when we all should be reviewing the work we’ve been doing and double checking it for errors and omissions. This is an opportunity to make adjustments and repair things before they get out of hand. It’s a good time for communication, especially in personal relationships, and you should try to express yourself to your closest people, whether it’s a good friend, business associate or significant other. Virgo rules nursing and this will also be a period when we can address any health issues or continue the healing process if you have recently been ill or had an operation. Pay close attention to your diet and your healing regime, even if you haven’t been ill. This is a chance to view your overall physical and psychological state and to fix whatever isn’t working. Following the New Moon this Moon will conjunct Mars & Venus. It will then aspect Saturn, Jupiter and oppose Neptune, so this will be a day of changing moods and a lot of emotions. Don’t get caught up in every little thing. Aim your attention at the most important issues. Virgo is an earth sign after all, and it has the desire to build and aim towards the future. As this month progresses we will see a plethora of transits between the inner and outer planets. This implies that much activity will take place in September that seems to be out of our individual control. Issues involving the collective will affect us all on a much more personal level. While this will offer us an opportunity to examine what the world is going through and how it can impact us individually it also means that we must take some care to ensure that we aren’t swept up in something beyond our control and that the decisions we make are to our best advantage. Virgo is a very useful and intrinsically good energy and its underlying purpose is to help heal whatever needs it. But it is mutable earth, one of the concepts that are difficult to comprehend just like fixed air and fixed fire. What exactly is mutable earth? Perhaps mudslides or a shifting of the foundation? But in astrology it implies that this is the one earth sign that can be changed more readily than the other two and it has the ability to bend with new information and a differing opinion. Take that into consideration this month as you approach others with your ideas They may be more willing to listen than you think.

Good point about Fixed air and fire. I have to think about that.
Mutable earth–mudslides and shifting foundation are good. How about shifting sands–Sahara desert comes to mind.