Mars Trines Uranus:

Mars Trines Uranus:


On Wednesday August 28th at 6:51 A.M. EDT Mars now creates that trine to Uranus. You can make changes in many areas of your life. This is a high energy transit without being dangerous or upsetting. You may find that you have a jolt of energy and enthusiasm that has been lacking of late. If so, try to take advantage of it and be active. All physical activity is favored and you should use your muscles. Mars rules our physicality and any strenuous actions, including a long walk, a day in the ocean or a trip to the gym will feel positive and refreshing. Of course you shouldn’t overexert yourself or do something foolish. But within the confines of common sense all physical activity will be rewarding. If you’ve been dealing with a disagreement with someone and you wish to relieve the stress, this may be a good time to work through it. You won’t be easily pushed around, nor will you be overly aggressive. But you both will be assertive which may allow for a good compromise. But as I’ve said before, all aspects are just a matter of degree. The “hard” aspects – conjunct, square & opposition, are more forceful, and the gentler ones – sextile, trine, inconjunct,etc. are easier to deal with. But they are all a combination of the energies of the planets involved. This trine will be easier to use and less aggressive or destructive than the hard transits, but it is still a union of Mars and Uranus and you should respect the power that it entails. Don’t act rashly or too impulsively and avoid direct confrontation if at all possible. Get things done, stay active and look for exciting and unusual ways of expressing yourself and it will be a successful few days.