Venus Trines Uranus:

Venus Trines Uranus:


On Monday August 26th at 11:37 A.M. EDT we begin a series of trines to Uranus. This will be a week when we can remove some of the boundaries that we normally keep in place without fear of upending the status quo. When Uranus is in good aspect to inner planets it is offering us a chance to experiment and move beyond the usual borders into uncharted territory. Uranus wants change, often radical and surprising. When the aspect is proactive like the trines it gives us a chance to try something we might not have been willing to do before. All four of the planets currently transiting Virgo will trine Uranus over the coming few weeks. Mercury’s trine will occur on September 1st, which I will cover in next month’s newsletter. Use this energy to your advantage. This is a very positive series of transits that will open a path for change and redirection. This will not alter the world’s problems nor fix all of your personal woes, but it is a time when you can view your life and your recent choices and perhaps tweak things just enough to eventually lead to bigger and more sweeping transformative change. It’s a very good time to review your closest relationships and see if they are helping you move forward or holding you back. Uranus wants you to express your individuality, and when it’s in aspect to Venus it is through your most intimate connections to others that this will manifest. Be honest about what is and isn’t working in your life and you can adjust your path and allow for a freer expression of who you really are. This will be an exciting few weeks. Enjoy it and be adventurous.