Mercury Trines Jupiter:

Mercury Trines Jupiter:


On Wednesday August 21st at 6:05 A.M. EDT this very optimistic and positive trine will set our minds on high speed and offer a chance to make some new plans and expand our perspective. People will be chatty and affable. It’s a good time for any social gathering or for a date. You will find it’s easy to express yourself and communications will tend to be open and uncomplicated. Call an old friend or set up any presentation, either personal or business. Travel is recommended and any trip you take should be enjoyable as well as educational in some way. You may see something new, learn about a different culture, or discover something about yourself that you hadn’t realized before. This is such a good aspect that when it comes along it’s worth getting up extra early so you can feel the bulk of its influence. But even if you sleep through the actual trine the energy will continue for the day and set the mood. Assuming the weather allows, I plan on rising very early and going to the beach. What’s your plan?