Venus Enters Virgo:

Venus Enters Virgo:


On Wednesday August 21st at 5:07 A.M. EDT Venus will join Mars in this mutable earth sign as we continue to exit Leo and head further into this phase of the year. Virgo has a reputation for being a bit picky and critical. That can be true, but it’s all about how you approach things. Those with Venus in this placement in the natal chart must learn to compromise and not expect perfection from their mate. Try not to give into the tendency to find fault with others. It’s not that this sign isn’t sympathetic, it certainly is. After all, it rules nursing, one of the most compassionate careers. But have you ever tried to debate a nurse about your care? They’re wonderful people, but sometimes lack a sense of humor especially when you try to convince them that ice cream is a major food group. Virgo is a very sensual place and with the male and female planets traveling here you can expect some intimate interaction. But because this is a Mercury ruled sign it is more through communication and intellectual interaction that closeness will be achieved. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be a physical side to the festivities. But you will attain a higher sense of intimacy if you add a layer of conversation to the action. Seduction comes in many forms, and one of them is through the mind. Remember, the brain is the real sex organ. All the rest is just fluff.