Mercury Squares Uranus:

Mercury Squares Uranus:


On Friday August 16th at 1:06 P.M. EDT this high energy and potentially dangerous square will complete. Things will move quickly and you can expect some sudden actions to take place. Awareness is the key to using astrology to your advantage and this aspect demands a seriously conscious approach to what’s going on. Pay attention and you can avoid most problems. But if you allow yourself to be too distracted there is a good chance that you could invoke difficulties on a number of levels. For one thing, many people will be nervous and irritable while this is in orb. This is especially true if this square is setting off your chart. Mercury is the lower octave of the mind, Uranus is the higher. When they are in conflict there is an inherent conflict in how our thought process is working. We tend to react without thinking things through, and the suddenness of Uranus energy can easily create a momentary lapse in awareness or judgement. At times this can result in an argument, an accident or an inappropriate response to an event or idea. Mercury rules communication and travel, so obviously these are two areas that require our closest attention. If you’re driving and you are distracted it only takes a few seconds to change your life forever. And remember, you may be very focused on what’s going on, but the person in the car next to you may not be. For a day or two surrounding this square you must drive defensively. We tend to be in a hurry when these two are in hard aspect, but that is exactly what could lead to a problem. In your conversations you should also try to take a moment before answering a difficult or challenging comment. If you speak without thinking you could alienate someone with a few words. You cannot unsay something, so once it’s out of your mouth it’s like posting on Facebook. No matter how many times you try to expunge your post it seems to pop up again and again. I’ve always felt that there should be a breathalyzer on the send button in email, text and all social media. Maybe I’ll invent it. Who knows? It could become a unicorn industry.

Hi Mitchell Lewis. Thank you for the reading I had early August. I put my$ in one Acct money market Ira safest ares available. Hope that’s right. Thank you. Jo Ann 11/6