Full Moon in Aquarius:

Full Moon in Aquarius:


This month’s lunar peak occurs on Thursday August 15th at 8:29 A.M. EST at 22 degrees Aquarius 24 minutes. There is no more excitable and erratic Full Moon than this one. Uranus-ruled Aquarius is well known for its unpredictable and at times, explosive nature. That doesn’t mean that there has to be a disaster in your life. I find that if we approach this energy with the right attitude it can be extremely liberating and shake us up just enough to create change and put us on a new and more constructive path. But if you aren’t paying attention it could just as easily lead to serious problems. Tomorrow we will experience Mercury in square to Uranus, ruler of this sign. So this is a few days when caution is certainly called for. Be careful in your conversations, while traveling and in any situation that could get out of control. Avoid dangerous places and sidestep any unnecessary disputes.  There may be another situation in the world that could be explosive or violent. There’s nothing we can do about that, but you can pay attention to what’s going on around you, so be careful. Caution is especially necessary while traveling for a few days. It’s easy to be distracted so keep your eyes on the road. Uranus just went into retrograde and this Full Moon is announcing that changes we are about to experience. The Stock Market continues its fall, as I predicted, so hold onto your hats. This is going to be some ride. Tomorrow‘s actions in the markets will be a very important signal to what we can expect in the next few weeks. They are going waaaay down; it’s just a matter of timing and degree of collapse. As I have said many times, we are in a volatile bear market that will see violent ups and downs. But we are certainly heading for the “Trump Recession” that will bring serious pain to many. The Full Moon is the peak of the lunar cycle and as the Moon wanes for the rest of this month things will begin to slow down. Starting this Sunday Mars, Venus, the Sun and Mercury will each enter Virgo over the coming two weeks and the energy will change from fun-loving Leo into this more detail and work oriented earth sign. To everything there is a season…