The Sun Conjuncts Venus:

The Sun Conjuncts Venus:

On Wednesday August 14th at 2:07 A.M. EDT this very pleasant aspect will set the stage for the next day or so. Most people will want to relax and enjoy the company of those closest to them. This is a very sociable and affable transit, though it isn’t usually a very vigorous or energetic one. This is a day to relax, enjoy life’s pleasures and have a genial time with people. Nobody will want to fight, so leave politics and personal disagreements on the sideline. Anything creative or stimulating such as a show, museum or concert will be quite rewarding. So will a day in nature. It’s followed by the Aquarian Full Moon a day later, and that will certainly be more exciting and dynamic day. If you can get to the beach or spend the day hiking in the mountains today you will find it very soothing and supportive. 😎