Uranus Retrogrades:

Uranus Retrogrades:


On Sunday August 11th at 10:26 P.M. EDT until January 11th 2020 8:49 PM EST this most erratic of planets reverses direction for its yearly inward jaunt. In our personal lives we will all be examining our relationships with groups and how we interact with them. The need for individual freedom is sometimes in conflict with our obligations to the collective and the balance between the two has a strong effect on how well we fit into society. Much of our desire and need for change is expressed through this planet and its erratic and unpredictable energy. As Uranus retrogrades the need for that balance will become more acute and many of us will sense this as a time of potential strife or an uncomfortable lack of connection. It’s important to look for ways to allow change and to alter our path when it seems stifling. But it’s also necessary to keep a good perspective and not look for change solely for the purpose of upsetting the status quo. That is something Uranus has a well-earned reputation for doing. People who are very Uranian will at times upset the applecart just to see how far the apples will roll. It’s up to each of us to find ways to express and alter the changes that are needed and to incorporate them into our ongoing plans without destroying the foundation upon which we stand.


This is an important event, as all retrograding planets can be, but this year it has an even more powerful significance. Uranus and its corresponding sign, Aquarius and the 11th house rule elected government. The preceding sign of Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn rule kings, queens, tsars and all dictators and monarchs. Because of our upcoming election the retrograde of Uranus will force us all to view this political season over the next from a personal and intensified perspective. This will be a serious and dangerous election in November. No matter who wins the results will be contested, the underlying animosity and deep-rooted anger and fear will come to the surface. While this planet is going backwards we will all be asked to look inside ourselves and examine just what we feel about this current political atmosphere. Retrogrades offer us a chance to review the circumstances that planet rules.