The Stock Markets and the Coming Recession and Crash:

The Stock Markets and the Coming Recession and Crash:



For those who follow my work you know that for some time I’ve been telling anyone that will listen, on Facebook, my lectures, my newsletter, and on Coast to Coast and many other radio interviews to get out of the stock markets and protect their money. Over the past week the DOW has lost, as of now, 1,500 points. This isn’t a crash. It’s the beginning of an extremely volatile market that will see huge point moves up and down.

Jupiter will go direct on August 11th and in my most recent newsletter available on my website: I said that historically the reversal of Jupiter’s motion often represented a change in direction of the equity markets, usually to the upside. As things stand right now there’s no reason for the markets to recover their recent loses. But we all know that all it will take is a vague “tweet” from our president to create havoc and move the stocks in either direction. The direct motion of Jupiter at the end of this week will probably reverse this downward turn in the stocks. But don’t be fooled. It will only be a false run-up. We are in a bear market and it will continue to deteriorate for the next 2 years.

In my recent lecture, “Surviving America’s Pluto Return”, also available on my website, I explained the recurring patterns that occur whenever there is a stock crash. While we haven’t entered that era quite yet, the world economy is slowing down and the policies of this administration are pushing us closer and closer to the edge. For the rest of 2019 we will see the markets move up and down, at times violently. This is not a playground for the faint of heart. If you don’t know how to trade you shouldn’t be actively in it. You will get chewed up. If you have much of your savings, retirement or investments in the stocks you should seriously consider take much of it out and leaving it on the sideline in cash or bonds. The risk is just not worth the potential reward.

As we head into 2020 the markets will get more unsettled and we could see some precarious movements to the downside. We are heading for a crash and a deep debt-fueled recession. Europe is already showing signs of a recession. The trade wars are a disaster. The debt that America carries is simply unsustainable and indefensible. Donald Trump has bankrupted every company he has ever run, and now he is in charge of the biggest bank in the world: The American Economy. What makes you think it will turn out any different?

Unless you are a speculative trader and working the volatility through options or moving your futures account, you should be liquidating you stocks and protecting your money. You need to find out from your investment counselors what your tax liability is and how to move this forward. But just like in 2007, when I was warning about the coming stock crash that eventually happened in 2008, a severe crash will lower your retirement accounts and it could take years before they recover. Be careful and use some common sense. Well, as the old saying goes: Common sense is not that common.


Thanks for this post Mitch. I understand what you are saying about Jupiter going direct but Uranus is going retrograde around the same time. Last year, the market downturn started after Uranus turned retrograde. Also, on August 13th, Moon, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are parallel. The million dollar question is can Jupiter overpower these other aspects?……