Mercury goes Direct:

Mercury goes Direct:


On Wednesday July 31st at 11:58 P.M. Mercury begins its direct motion once again in Cancer until August 11th when it enters Leo. This takes place right after the New Moon, and things will begin to move very quickly now as we attempt to catch up on ideas, events and communications that have been delayed while this planet was running backwards. Expect some very intense emotional interactions and certainly some confusion for a few days. When Mercury changes direction either way there is a period of disruption and misunderstandings. But now that it is moving forward it will be easier to deal with travel, buy a new cell phone, get your computer fixed or buy that new yacht you’ve had your eye on. J Take a little time to examine things closely until the end of the week. While it should be okay to sign papers now or make some important decisions, it’s still a good idea to give this transit time for us to adjust to the changing energy. When Mercury reverses direction there are often secrets revealed and new information uncovered, so be prepared. Because this is occurring in Cancer situations involving family and the past will be most prominent. If there are familial issues that haven’t been resolved, they may come to the forefront now. Anything that has been uncovered during the retrograde or comes to light now must be dealt with or it will linger and fester in the unconscious for some time. We have a little less than 2 weeks to deal with them. Once Mercury enters Leo our attention will shift.