August 2019
Note: All aspects are most powerful and effective as they apply. Once the transit has completed, its force is lessened. The further it separates the weaker it becomes.
We are heading into August, the Dog Days of summer. The name is from the ancient Greeks and they’re called that, by the way, because Sirius the Dog Star (actually a binary system), the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (large dog) rises this time of year in the northern hemisphere.
This will be a very active and sociable month for many of us. Mercury goes direct right after the New Moon and this will be a very dynamic and energetic few weeks. We will have the New Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus & Mars all in Leo until August 18th when they move one by one into Virgo. This overwhelming fire sign energy will define the time. It’s a period when we should all be physically vigorous interact as much as possible depending upon your personal circumstances. Because Mercury is changing direction right after this New Moon it will set the stage for much of August. Whenever Mercury ends a retrograde period and begins its direct motion things move very rapidly as we attempt to catch up on what we feel we have missed or has been delayed. This powerful combination of astrological forces in the fire signs along with Mercury’s turnaround will create a feeling of urgency and a strong desire to experience life. We are entering a few weeks of unbridled enthusiasm and a chance to have some real fun. Don’t waste it. If you can get away, then do so. Even if your schedule won’t allow for an extended trip you should explore your world as much as possible. Get outside, go to a park, have brunch or dinner with friends. Do whatever your situation allows; try to stretch your mental and physical muscles and see the world.
How hot is hot? In Paris it was 106 degree Fahrenheit in July. In the Arctic Circle dozens of wildfires broke out as the temperature rose to an unprecedented 84 degrees, accelerating the melting of the ice caps. And still there are those who deny that global warming exists. What can you say to someone who refuses to leave a burning house and holds you prisoner in the inferno?
The New Moon falls on Wednesday July 31st at 11:12 P.M. EDT at 8 degrees Leo 37 minutes. Mercury will go direct less than an hour after this New Moon and it will set the pace for the coming month. As with all New Moons we have an opportunity to begin things anew. This is a chance to start a new project or a new phase of an ongoing one with fresh ideas and a clean slate. And each New Moon has its own nature. Leo is a particularly interesting force. It’s “fixed fire”, a difficult concept. Fire shouldn’t be fixed. It should be free to burn and consume without restriction. At times fixed fire along with its opposite – Aquarius, fixed air can feel restrained and frustrating. But these aren’t really conflicting ideas. They are as much a part of our collective consciousness as any other sign. We are all made up of all 12 of the zodiac symbols, with Aries through Pisces sitting somewhere in our natal charts. Leos are wonderful people with a real joy of life, but at times have a bit of a hard time accepting their role. After all, Aries is cardinal, forward moving. Sagittarius is mutable, free to move about as it wishes. Only Leo is fixed, and fire does not like that. This may help explain the nature of the lion and at times, its demanding and unyielding nature. Loyalty, respect and continuity are very important to this most regal of signs. Wherever Leo lands in your chart, through planetary placement or house cusp rulership is often where we express this need most vividly. (I have Mercury in Leo, and those who have seen me perform or lecture, know that energy full well. I love it! Not everyone around me does. Lol)
This New Moon is setting off a period of tremendous Leo energy. The Sun, Venus & Mars are all traveling through the fixed fire sign, and Mercury will join them later this month. This is a time for fun and games, romance and creativity. It is the meat of summer when the child within us all is screaming to get out and play. Let it. Leo rules the 5th house of children, romance, games, and creativity. It’s a terrific time for any outdoor activity (as long as the weather allows). There’s nothing like a hot summer day at the beach, the mountains or even a city park. People are much friendlier when they’re wearing less clothing, I have found. Something about bearing the body and the soul, I suppose. There’s less desire to work or put our attention towards the obligations that never seem to end. Well, for a few weeks let’s put that on the shelf. Enjoy this while you can. In a short while these planets will all enter Virgo, a much more work-oriented sign, and we will all have to return to school. Sad, but true. But let’s not think about tomorrow. Carpe Diem, as the Roman’s would say – seize the day.
On Wednesday July 31st at 11:58 P.M. Mercury begins its direct motion once again in Cancer until August 11th when it enters Leo. This takes place right after the New Moon, and things will begin to move very quickly now as we attempt to catch up on ideas, events and communications that have been delayed while this planet was running backwards. Expect some very intense emotional interactions and certainly some confusion for a few days. When Mercury changes direction either way there is a period of disruption and misunderstandings. But now that it is moving forward it will be easier to deal with travel, buy a new cell phone, get your computer fixed or buy that new yacht you’ve had your eye on. J Take a little time to examine things closely until the end of the week. While it should be okay to sign papers now or make some important decisions, it’s still a good idea to give this transit time for us to adjust to the changing energy. When Mercury reverses direction there are often secrets revealed and new information uncovered, so be prepared. Because this is occurring in Cancer situations involving family and the past will be most prominent. If there are familial issues that haven’t been resolved, they may come to the forefront now. Anything that has been uncovered during the retrograde or comes to light now must be dealt with or it will linger and fester in the unconscious for some time. We have a little less than 2 weeks to deal with them. Once Mercury enters Leo our attention will shift.
On Friday August 2nd at 5:59 A.M. EDT we will all be easily distracted by anything unusual or exciting. This square isn’t inherently evil or disastrous; in fact it can lead us to an adventure or a new friendship or romance if you keep your eyes open. But it can create an atmosphere of boredom and it’s up to you to alleviate the tedium with new and interesting input. Otherwise the inner demons take over and that’s when trouble can begin. If you stay busy and take off the blinders you can discover something new and stimulating. But there’s truth to the old adage – “Idle hands do the devil’s work”. This is especially true when Uranus is involved. Get out and see the world, take in a new form of food or entertainment, spend time with exciting or unusual people, or just let your thoughts go where they wish without restraint.
On Wednesday August 7th at 3:31 A.M. EDT this wonderfully optimistic and outgoing trine will give us all a day or so when things will be easier to move forward. If you have plans that have become stuck or you feel your growth is restricted this could help break through the blockage. Jupiter is going direct in a few days, and the combination of aspects might easily help us all move something ahead. Look for ways to express your independence and try something new and exciting. This is followed tomorrow by the excellent Venus trine Jupiter, another terrific and sociable transit. There is a tendency to just lounge around during these trines. Many people would rather enjoy a day in the backyard with a BBQ, or perhaps splashing in a pool or the ocean. That’s fine, in fact as I mentioned earlier in this newsletter this is the time of year to do just that. We work hard in our lives all year long. I believe that summer exists to give us all a break from the tedium of our obligations. Just don’t waste this few days. Go somewhere, do something, enjoy the company of your nearest and dearest and sing the song of summer.
On Thursday August 8th at 4:27 P.M. EDT this trine comes on the heels of the Sun in trine to Jupiter because of the upcoming Sun – Venus conjunct next Wednesday. This will continue the positive energy we experienced yesterday and you should enjoy all social activities. Spend time with your close friends or your significant other. This is a time to enjoy all of life’s pleasures. Have an adventure or plan a party or get together. You will enjoy almost anything you do, so don’t waste this sitting in front of a computer or working on stuffy paperwork. Get out and be alive! Just don’t overdo it. When Venus and Jupiter get together there is little desire for limitations of restrictions of any sort. It’s easy to over indulge in food, drink and all of the physical pleasures. Yes, it includes that most special of activities as well. Have some fun. Eat, drink, make love and be the best of who you are. You could make some memories that will stay with you forever.
On Sunday August 11th at 9:38 A.M. EDT Jupiter finally changes direction in Sagittarius, the sign of its rulership. This is often a turnaround in financial matters. It can go either way. There might be a sudden surge upwards in the markets for a few days to announce its direct motion. But I have also seen the markets move in the opposite direction if they have been overbought or there is bad news. Students of astrology tend to misunderstand Jupiter. While it is the greater benefic and often bring us good news and opportunity, it can also exacerbate any situation. If there are troubles, they could get worse. If you have overextended yourself that could easily become a serious problem. But for the most part Jupiter just wants growth and new input. It rules long journeys, so this could be a good time to take a trip. Mercury is now going direct and will enter Leo in a few hours, and with so much Leo energy try to get away. Jupiter likes to travel, especially long trips to new and adventurous places. While in retrograde we all tended to travel in our thoughts. Now it’s time for an actual vacation. Roam the world and let out all of this fire energy that is accumulating around us. You will enjoy yourself and can reinvent who you are when you are in a new environment where nobody knows your history.
On Sunday August 11th at 3:45 P.M. EDT until August 29th at 3:48 A.M.EDT Mercury joins the Sun, Venus & Mars in the fixed fire sign. Romance, games, gambling, creativity and theatre are all in the cards. August is the most child-like of the summer months and with so many planets traveling here you should get out and enjoy yourself as much as possible. Go to a waterpark, spend a few days at the beach or just find some enjoyable cafes with outdoor seating to share with your close friends or your lover as you watch the world pass by. Conversations will be lively and at times uninhibited. You probably should be a bit careful about how freely you express certain things, but Leos don’t really like restrictions. Because it is a fixed fire sign (an oxymoronic term at best) I find that this sign at times resents that fact that it isn’t as free as the cardinal and mutable fire signs and it often “roars” just to prove its liberty and claim its place in the family of fire. Speak your mind, especially in romance and deep friendships, but remember that after Leo comes Virgo and what you say now may be revisited and scrutinized in a few weeks once that earth sign has domain. Have fun! It’s summer. Get out, get tan, be playful and get happy.
On Sunday August 11th at 10:26 P.M. EDT this most erratic of planets reverses direction for its yearly inward jaunt. This is an important event, as all retrograding planets can be, but this year it has an even more powerful significance. Uranus and its corresponding sign, Aquarius and the 11th house rule elected government. The preceding sign of Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn rule kings, queens, tsars and all dictators and monarchs. Because of our upcoming election the retrograde of Uranus will force us all to view this political season from a personal and intensified perspective. This will be a serious and dangerous election in November. No matter who wins the results will be contested, the underlying animosity and deep-rooted anger and fear will come to the surface. While this planet is going backwards we will all be asked to look inside ourselves and examine just what we feel about this current political atmosphere. Retrogrades offer us a chance to review the circumstances that planet rules.
On Wednesday August 14th at 2:07 A.M. EDT this very pleasant aspect will set the stage for the next day or so. Most people will want to relax and enjoy the company of those closest to them. This is a very sociable and affable transit, though it isn’t usually a very vigorous or dynamic one. This is a day to relax, enjoy life’s pleasures and have a genial time with people. Nobody will want to fight, so leave politics and personal disagreements on the sideline. Anything creative or stimulating such as a show, museum or concert will be quite rewarding. So will a day in nature. If you can get to the beach or spend the day hiking in the mountains you will find it very soothing and supportive.
This month’s lunar peak occurs on Thursday August 15th at 8:29 A.M. EST at 22 degrees Aquarius 24 minutes. There is no more excitable and erratic Full Moon than this one. Uranus-ruled Aquarius is well known for its unpredictable and at times, explosive nature. That doesn’t mean that there has to be a disaster in your life. I find that if we approach this energy with the right attitude it can be extremely liberating and shake us up just enough to create change and put us on a new and more constructive path. But if you aren’t paying attention it could just as easily lead to serious problems. Tomorrow we will experience Mercury in square to Uranus, ruler of this sign. So this is a few days when caution is certainly called for. Be careful in your conversations, while traveling and in any situation that could get out of control. Avoid dangerous places and sidestep any unnecessary disputes. There may be another situation in the world that could be explosive or violent. There’s nothing we can do about that, but you can pay attention to what’s going on around you, so be careful. Caution is especially necessary while traveling for a few days. It’s easy to be distracted so keep your eyes on the road. The Full Moon is the peak of the lunar cycle and as the Moon wanes for the rest of this month things will begin to slow down. Starting this Sunday Mars, Venus, the Sun and Mercury will each enter Virgo over the coming two weeks and the energy will change from fun-loving Leo into this more detail and work oriented earth sign. To everything there is a season…
On Friday August 16th at 1:06 P.M. EDT this high energy and potentially dangerous square will complete. Things will move quickly and you can expect some sudden actions to take place. Awareness is the key to using astrology to your advantage and this aspect demands a seriously conscious approach to what’s going on. Pay attention and you can avoid most problems. But if you allow yourself to be too distracted there is a good chance that you could invoke difficulties on a number of levels. For one thing, many people will be nervous and irritable while this is in orb. This is especially true if this square is setting off your chart. Mercury is the lower octave of the mind, Uranus is the higher. When they are in conflict there is an inherent conflict in how our thought process is working. We tend to react without thinking things through, and the suddenness of Uranus energy can easily create a momentary lapse in awareness or judgement. At times this can result in an argument, an accident or an inappropriate response to an event or idea. Mercury rules communication and travel, so obviously these are two areas that require our closest attention. If you’re driving and you are distracted it only takes a few seconds to change your life forever. And remember, you may be very focused on what’s going on, but the person in the car next to you may not be. For a day or two surrounding this square you must drive defensively. We tend to be in a hurry when these two are in hard aspect, but that is exactly what could lead to a problem. In your conversations you should also try to take a moment before answering a difficult or challenging comment. If you speak without thinking you could alienate someone with a few words. You cannot unsay something, so once it’s out of your mouth it’s like posting on Facebook. No matter how many times you try to expunge your post it seems to pop up again and again. I’ve always felt that there should be a breathalyzer on the send button in email, text and all social media. Maybe I’ll invent it. Who knows? It could become a unicorn industry. J
On Sunday August 18th at 1:19 A.M. EDT until October 4th at 12:22 P.M. EDT Mars will enter this Mercury ruled sign and begins the parade of inner planets about to enter this mutable earth sign. It will be followed by Venus, the Sun and Mercury, all of which will trine Uranus over the coming weeks. The energy is changing as these planets move from Leo into Virgo. This sign is more about work, details and focus. Because of the trines to Uranus this will be a month of some exciting and adventurous idea. We won’t be as physically active as we were under the Leo influence, now it’s less about an active body and more about mental movement. Try to take advantage of it and enjoy the rest of August. Continue to take pleasure in the summer wind, and give some room to let your mind and ideas take precedent over volleyball and surfing. But do use a little caution. Even in a positive aspect Uranus can be unpredictable and set up some conflicting opportunities. Virgo is all about detail, examining the little things to ensure that they are aligned and functioning properly. If you follow the astrological calendar and swim with the current you will achieve much more in your life.
On Wednesday August 21st at 5:07 A.M. EDT Venus will join Mars in this mutable earth sign. Virgo is a very sensual place and with the male and female planets traveling here you can expect some intimate interaction. But because this is a Mercury ruled sign it is more through communication and intellectual interaction that closeness will be achieved. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be a physical side to the festivities. But you will achieve a higher sense of intimacy if you add a layer of conversation to the action. Seduction comes in many forms, and one of them is through the mind. Remember, the brain is the real sex organ. All the rest is just fluff. J
On Wednesday August 21st at 6:05 A.M. EDT this very optimistic and positive trine will set our minds on high speed and offer a chance to make some new plans and expand our perspective. People will be chatty and affable. It’s a good time for any social gathering or for a date. You will find it’s easy to express yourself and communications will tend to be open and uncomplicated. Call an old friend or set up any presentation, either personal or business. Travel is recommended and any trip you take should be enjoyable as well as educational in some way. You may see something new, learn about a different culture, or discover something about yourself that you hadn’t realized before. This is such a good aspect that when it comes along it’s worth getting up extra early so you can feel the bulk of its influence. But even if you sleep through the actual trine the energy will continue for the day and set the mood. Assuming the weather allows, I plan on rising very early and going to the beach. What’s your plan? J
On Friday August 23rd at 6:02 A.M. EDT the Sun joins Venus and Mars in this sign. We are entering the mutable part of summer when the days start to feel shorter and the weather is less predictable. The mutable third of any season is the time when we begin to accept the coming change, even though it may not seem so obvious at first. Virgo is more interested in intellectual pursuits than fun-loving Leo. This is why school starts under this energy. Pay attention to details and get your paperwork in order. Whether you’re in school, working a job, retired, or just meandering through life there are obligations that demand our attention and this is the time to deal with them. Virgo has a reputation for being a bit picky and overly detail-oriented. If you have an argument with a Virgo you’d better have your facts clear and at your fingertips or they will chew you up in a debate. This is a good time to go over the details of your plans and make sure there are no mistakes. As always, if we use the energy of the transits to our advantage they will be an asset. This month it’s all about fixing the little mistakes or catching oversights before they become bigger problems.
On Saturday August 24th at 1:04 P.M. EDT the male and female planets join up in Virgo. This sign has a well-earned reputation of being somewhat critical and at times nit-picky. It’s a very sensual and loving sign and can be extremely gentle. Virgo rules nursing, after all. But it can also be capricious or changeable and somewhat fickle. When Venus and Mars conjoin the sign that this aspect falls in will tell us what type of energy it is projecting. Here you may find that you and your partner are looking over the details of your relationship in a careful and unemotional fashion. This is a time to examine exactly what the relationship is all about and whether it is serving its purpose in your life. If changes need to be made, this is a time when you may initiate them. Because this is a Mercury-ruled sign you will have more success dealing with these issues in an intellectual manner than a strictly emotional one.
On Monday August 26th at 11:37 A.M. EDT we begin a series of trines to Uranus. This will be a week when we can remove some of the boundaries that we normally keep in place without fear of upending the status quo. When Uranus is in good aspect to inner planets it is offering us a chance to experiment and move beyond the usual borders into uncharted territory. Uranus wants change, often radical and surprising. When the aspect is proactive like the trines it gives us a chance to try something we might not have been willing to do before. All four of the planets currently transiting Virgo will trine Uranus over the coming few weeks. Mercury’s trine will occur on September 1st, which I will cover in next month’s newsletter. Use this energy to your advantage. This is a very positive series of transits that will open a path for change and redirection. This will not alter the world’s problems nor fix all of your personal woes, but it is a time when you can view your life and your recent choices and perhaps tweak things just enough to eventually lead to bigger and more sweeping transformative change.
On Wednesday August 28th at 6:51 A.M. EDT Mars now create that trine to Uranus. You can make changes in many areas of your life. This is a high energy transit without being dangerous or upsetting. You may find that you have a jolt of energy and enthusiasm that has been lacking of late. If so, try to take advantage of it and be active. All physical activity is favored and you should use your muscles. Mars rules our physicality and any strenuous actions, including a long walk, a day in the ocean or a trip to the gym will feel positive and refreshing. Or course you shouldn’t overexert yourself or do something foolish. But within the confines of common sense all activity will be rewarding. If you’ve been dealing with a disagreement with someone and you wish to relieve the stress, this may be a good time to work through it. You won’t be easily pushed around, nor will you be overly aggressive. But you both will be assertive which may allow for a good compromise.
On Thursday August 29th at 3:48 A.M. EDT Mercury enters this sign bringing a total of four inner, personal planets all traveling through the 6th sign. Work and responsibility will be much of the focus, and it’s important to aim your attention towards your obligations. Virgo is very good with detail, and at times can be rather nitpicky and obsessive, and with so many planets traveling here we all should be aware of that inclination. But there is a soft quality to Virgo that also deserves our attention. Virgo is a very caring and receptive sign. Despite, or perhaps because of that tendency to overanalyze, they often believe that they are correct in their judgement and so there is a strong desire to help. This sign rules nursing and while a doctor may diagnose your ailment or surgically remove a problem; it is the nurses who actually do much of the healing. They mop your brow, administer medicine, check your vital signs and generally keep an eye on your progress throughout the restorative process. Virgos tend to be super-sensitive and very aware of what’s going on – perhaps another reason for their overly acute nature. Look at this period while all of these planets are in transit here as a time to examine your life and your relationships from a critical perspective. Just remember that once these planets leave Virgo they will enter Libra, the sign most interested in balance within a relationship. If you are too demanding now you may pay a price in a month or so when those you interact with recall how you acted now. Karma is a bitch, and it always comes back to us like a boomerang. (BTW, what do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick!)
On Thursday August 29th at 11:13 P.M. EDT this third trine in the series completes. This is another day of good and direct action and thought. You are assertive and able to make your point without too much trouble. You can make changes without the usual resistance from the outside world, and if you use these trines to your advantage you may be able to redirect your path and your projects into a new and exciting direction. No single transit involving an inner planet will change the world or completely revolutionize your life. But if you learn to use these quick moving aspects correctly, and understand the more powerful outer planet connections, such as the reversal of direction of the generational planets or the Jupiter – Neptune square that will return in September, you can have much more control over the event of your life and avoid many pitfalls. That is the power of free-will astrology. Take control of your like and be a force of positive change. That’s what these trines to Uranus is trying to show us all.
The next New Moon falls on Friday August 30th at 6:37 A.M. EST at 6 degrees Virgo 47 minutes. The day or two leading up to it will be a particularly low energy period. If you tend to be emotional this may be a very trying time each month. I have found that people with prominent moons or a Cancer Sun, Moon or ascendant respond to the lunar cycles more intensely than others. Spend this time finishing up anything that is incomplete, don’t try to initiate new projects on a waning moon, it just won’t work out. Once the New Moon hits you begin new projects or attempt a new approach to an existing problem. If you have been living in a situation or involved in a relationship that is intolerable or has outlived its usefulness this would be the proper time to move on with your life. If you have been working on a project that is almost complete but you seem to lack the energy for the finality, you must push during these low energy days to end the matter once and for all. If you don’t, when the New Moon arrives it will bring this “dead” energy along with it and conflict with the newer force being presented. Each month we are offered a chance to clean house, so to speak.
Below is a list of times this month when the Moon is Void of Course and neither important decisions nor purchases should be made during these periods. The Void of Course Moon is a time when we should try to center ourselves and deal with spiritual matters not materialistic ones. Any decisions made on the VC Moon will not turn out the way we had expected.
The Moon is Void of Course from the time it makes its last major aspect in a sign until it enters the next sign. For example, if the Moon squares Mars at 27 degrees Aries and then has no more aspects until it enters Taurus it will be Void of Course for three degrees or about 6 hours. The aspects used are the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition. All times are Eastern Daylight Time.
August 1st 4:48 P.M. – August 2nd 9:20 A.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours
August 4th 12:27 A.M. – 9:30 A.M.
August 6th 3:36 A.M. – 11:31 A.M.
August 8th 10:58 A.M. – 4:35 P.M.
August 10th 3:50 P.M. – August 11th 12:50 A.M. ***Moon is void 9 hours
August 12th 6:11 P.M. – August 13th 11:35 A.M. ***Moon is void 17 hours
August 15th 9:02 P.M. – 11:49 P.M.
August 17th 6:34 P.M. – August 18th 12:33 P.M. ***Moon is void 18 hours
August 21st 12:06 A.M. – 12:37 A.M.
August 22nd 5:32 P.M. – August 23rd 10:34 A.M. ***Moon is void 17 hours
August 25th 2:58 A.M. – 5:05 P.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours
August 27th 4:55 A.M. – 7:53 P.M. ***Moon is void 14 hours
August 28th 8:07 P.M. – August 29th 7:57 P.M. ***Moon is void 24 hours
August 31st 4:46 A.M. – 7:08 P.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours
September 2nd 4:33 A.M. – 7:35 P.M. ***Moon is void 15 hours
September 4th 6:58 A.M. – 11:08 P.M. ***Moon is void 16 hours
July 2019
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