New Moon in Leo:

New Moon in Leo:


The New Moon falls on Wednesday July 31st at 11:12 P.M. EDT at 8 degrees Leo 37 minutes. Mercury will go direct less than an hour after this New Moon and it will set the pace for the coming month. As with all New Moons we have an opportunity to begin things anew. This is a chance to start a new project or a new phase of an ongoing one with fresh ideas and a clean slate. And each New Moon has its own nature. Leo is a particularly interesting force. It’s “fixed fire”, a difficult concept. Fire shouldn’t be fixed. It should be free to burn and consume without restriction. At times fixed fire along with its opposite – Aquarius, fixed air can feel restrained and frustrating. But these aren’t really conflicting ideas. They are as much a part of our collective consciousness as any other sign. We are all made up of all 12 of the zodiac symbols, with Aries through Pisces sitting somewhere in our natal charts. Leos are wonderful people with a real joy of life, but at times have a bit of a hard time accepting their role. After all, Aries is cardinal, forward moving. Sagittarius is mutable, free to move about as it wishes. Only Leo is fixed, and fire does not like that. This may help explain the nature of the lion and at times, its demanding and unyielding nature. Loyalty, respect and continuity are very important to this most regal of signs. Wherever Leo lands in your chart, through planetary placement or house cusp rulership is often where we express this need most vividly. (I have Mercury in Leo, and those who have seen me perform or lecture, know that energy full well. I love it! Not everyone around me does. Lol)

This New Moon is setting off a period of tremendous Leo energy. The Sun, Venus & Mars are all traveling through the fixed fire sign, and Mercury will join them later this month. This is a time for fun and games, romance and creativity. It is the meat of summer when the child within us all is screaming to get out and play. Let it. Leo rules the 5th house of children, romance, games, and creativity. It’s a terrific time for any outdoor activity (as long as the weather allows). There’s nothing like a hot summer day at the beach, the mountains or even a city park. People are much friendlier when they’re wearing less clothing, I have found. Something about bearing the body and the soul, I suppose. There’s less desire to work or put our attention towards the obligations that never seem to end. Well, for a few weeks let’s put that on the shelf. Enjoy this while you can. In a short while these planets will all enter Virgo, a much more work-oriented sign, and we will all have to return to school. Sad, but true. But let’s not think about tomorrow. Carpe Diem, as the Roman’s would say – seize the day.